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Question 1
Directions: Find the wrong number in the given series as per in question.
3, 4, 12, 45, 195, 1005
Question 2
Direction: Find the wrong term in the given series.
125, 129, 121, 137, 105, 149, 41
Question 3
Directions: Find the wrong number in the given series as per in question.
8, 18, 39, 82, 179, 344
Question 4
Directions: Find the wrong number in the given series as per in question.
4, 6, 9, 31, 124, 601, 3599
Question 5
Directions: Find the wrong number in the given series as per in question.
13, 15, 18, 27, 43, 75, 139
Question 6
Direction: Given below are two quantities named I and II. Based on the given information, you have to determine the relation between the two quantities. You should use the given data and your knowledge of Mathematics to choose among the possible answers.
Quantity 1: Number of passengers in train before station A provided no one boarded the train at station A, station B and station C; 20% passengers from a train got down at station A, 25% of the remaining passengers got down at station B and 40% of remaining passengers got down at station C. After that there were still 216 passengers in the train.
Quantity 2:
Quantity 2:

Question 7
Direction: Study the following information carefully and find out the relation between the given quantities:
X can complete a piece of work in 120 days whereas Y and Z working together can complete it in 30 days. When X and Z alternately work for a day each the work gets completed in 80 days.
Quantity 1: Number of days in which Y will complete twice the work.
Quantity 2: Number of days in which Z will complete twice the work.
X can complete a piece of work in 120 days whereas Y and Z working together can complete it in 30 days. When X and Z alternately work for a day each the work gets completed in 80 days.
Quantity 1: Number of days in which Y will complete twice the work.
Quantity 2: Number of days in which Z will complete twice the work.
Question 8
Directions: Find the appropriate relation for quantity 1 and quantity 2 in the following question:
Quantity 1: Suppose X be the radius of the wheel if it makes
in covering a distance of
Quantity 2: Suppose Y be the radius of a semi-circle having its area 77

Quantity 2: Suppose Y be the radius of a semi-circle having its area 77

Question 9
Direction: Given below are two quantities named I and II. Based on the given information, you have to determine the relation between the two quantities. You should use the given data and your knowledge of Mathematics to choose among the possible answers.
Quantity I: A sum doubles itself at compound interest in 4 yrs, it will become 16 times in
Quantity II: A sum of money doubles itself at simple interest in 7 yrs, it will become fourfold in
Quantity II: A sum of money doubles itself at simple interest in 7 yrs, it will become fourfold in
Question 10
Direction: Calculate quantity I and quantity II on the basis of the given information then compare them and answer the following questions accordingly.
Quantity I- Manish got married 6 years ago. His present age is 4/3 times his age at the time of his marriage. Manish’s brother was 2 years younger to his at the time of his marriage. The age of manish’s brother is:
Quantity II-The sum of the ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 2 years each is 40 years. What is the age of the eldest child:
Quantity II-The sum of the ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 2 years each is 40 years. What is the age of the eldest child:
- 4034 attempts
Aug 16PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance