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Question 1
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value)
23.999 × 9.004 × 16.997 = ?
Question 2
Direction: What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value)
33.0003% of 509.999 + (838 ÷ 14.95) × 17.85 + 8847256 ÷ 4446 = ?
Question 3
Direction: What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value)
0.501 × 10.011 × 52.83 + 1873 ÷ 84.85 + 40.81 × 16.96 = ?
Question 4
Average age of boys of a class is equal to the average age of girls of the class. Average age of all students of the class is _______ years and difference between sum of the ages of all boys and all girls is _______ years. If the total number of students in the class is 100 and the ratio of the number of boys and girls in the class is 3 : 2, then which of the following cannot fill the missing numbers.
I. 60 and 1200
II. 45 and 1800
III. 70 and 1400
IV. 55 and 2200
I. 60 and 1200
II. 45 and 1800
III. 70 and 1400
IV. 55 and 2200
Question 5
Direction: What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the following question (You do not have to calculate the exact value)?
40.005% of 439.998 + ?% of655.011 = 229.5
Question 6
Direction: Given below the table shows percentage distribution of employed people and unemployed people in five different cities. Some data are missing, which calculate according to given data. Read table carefully and answer the :
Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)

Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)
Percentage of private employees from Kolkata is 20% more than the percentage of unemployed people of that city. The difference between total number of private employees and total number of government employees is 5400. Find total population of MYSORE, given that total number of government and private employees in MYSORE is 10800 more than total government employees in KOLKATA?
Question 7
Direction: Given below the table shows percentage distribution of employed people and unemployed people in five different cities. Some data are missing, which calculate according to given data. Read table carefully and answer the :
Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)

Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)
Ratio between total population of BANGALORE to KANPUR is 63 : 64. If total number of unemployed people from BANGALORE is 2940 more than that of KANPUR. Find average of number of private employees from both cities?
Question 8
Direction: Given below the table shows percentage distribution of employed people and unemployed people in five different cities. Some data are missing, which calculate according to given data. Read table carefully and answer the :
Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)

Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)
If the ratio between total population of CHENNAI to KANPUR is 9: 8, and total no. of unemployed people in CHENNAI is 960 more than that of KANPUR. Find the average of total number of government employees in both cities?
Question 9
Direction: Given below the table shows percentage distribution of employed people and unemployed people in five different cities. Some data are missing, which calculate according to given data. Read table carefully and answer the :
Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)

Note: Total population of each cities = (government employee + private employee + people have own business + unemployed people)
Total population of MYSORE is 20% more than the total population of KOLKATA. If the ratio between males to females having own business from KOLKATA is 2: 7 and males to females having own business from MYSORE is 1: 5. Find the ratio between the number of females having own business from KOLKATA to females having own business from MYSORE.
Question 10
Direction: What approximate value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.
(56.021)1.99 × 2.5385 + 118.257 × 289.92 + 43.54 × 171.37 = ?
- 3550 attempts
Dec 11PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance