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Question 1
Direction: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out that wrong number.
144, 216, 72, 108, 36, 56, 18
Question 2
Direction: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
9, 18, 34, 59, 90, 144, 208
Question 3
Direction: Find out the wrong number in the following number series.
7, 8, 18, 57, 228, 1165, 6996
Question 4
Direction: Find out the wrong number in the following number series.
1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 96, 720
Question 5
Direction: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
49, ? ,169, 289, 361, 529
Question 6
Direction: Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.

The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.
The total number of items=Mobile + TV + Others

In shop A, the ratio of total number of TV sold to that of the total number of Others items sold is 1 : 3 and the total number of non-defective TV sold by shop A is 40. Then find the total number of defective Mobiles sold by shop A?
Question 7
Direction: Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.

The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.
The total number of items=Mobile + TV + Others

If the total number of Others items sold by shop B and shop C together is 180 then find the difference between the total number of TV sold by shop B and shop C together to that of the total number of Mobiles sold by shop E and shop F together?
Question 8
Direction: Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.

The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.
The total number of items=Mobile + TV + Others

If the total number of defective TV sold by shop D is “X” and the total number of Others items sold by shop D is “4X”. The total number of non-defective Mobiles sold by shop D is 220. The find the value of “4X”.
Question 9
Direction: Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.

The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.
The total number of items=Mobile + TV + Others

If in shop F, only 10% of the Others items sold out of the total number of items sold. The total number of TV sold by shop F is equal to the total number of Others items sold by Shop C then the total number of TV sold by shop C is what percentage of the total number of Mobiles sold by shop C?
Question 10
Direction: Study the table carefully and answer the given questions.
The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.

The table shows the total number of items sold by different shops in January 2018.
The total number of items=Mobile + TV + Others

If the average number of TV sold by all shops is 140 then find the difference between the total number of Mobiles sold by all shops together to that of the total number of Others items sold by all shops together?
- 5462 attempts
Sep 26PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance