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Question 1
Direction: Find out the wrong number in the following number series.
6, 3, 5, 11, 45, 361
Question 2
Directions: In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number.
600, 125, 30, 13, 7.2, 6.44, 6.288
Question 3
Directions: In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out the wrong number.
10, 8, 13, 35, 135, 671, 4007
Question 4
Direction: In the following number series only one is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1, 5, 13, 31, 61, 125, 253
Question 5
Directions: What value will come in place of question mark (?) in the number series given below?
21 2765 4493 5493 6005 ?
Question 6
Directions: The following chart shows Classification of 200 Students based on the
Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

What is the difference between the number of students passed with 60 as cut-off marks in Math’s and those passed with 60 as cut-off marks in aggregate?
Question 7
Directions: The following chart shows Classification of 200 Students based on the
Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

If at least 60% marks in Accounts are required for pursuing higher studies in Accounts, how many students will be eligible to pursue higher studies in Accounts?
Question 8
Directions: The following chart shows Classification of 200 Students based on the
Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

The percentage of number of students getting more than 60% marks in Math’s over those getting more than 40% marks aggregate, is approximately?
Question 9
Directions: The following chart shows Classification of 200 Students based on the
Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

The number of students scoring less than or equal to 40% marks aggregate is?
Question 10
Directions: The following chart shows Classification of 200 Students based on the
Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

Marks Obtained by them in Accounts and Mathematics in an Examination. marks of each student in every subject are an integral value.

If it is known that at least 46 students were eligible for a symposium on Math’s, then the minimum qualifying marks in Math’s for eligibility to symposium would lie in the range?
- 4885 attempts
Mar 8PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance