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Question 1
The Red colour of blood is due to presence of _____.
Question 2
In the following circle if
then the value of
is where D is a point on circle as shown in figure.

Question 3
Half of 1percent, Written as a decimal, is
Question 4
The audible frequency range of a human ear is
Question 5
If '×' means 'addition' '–' means 'division', '÷' means 'subtraction' and '+' means 'multiplication', then which of the following equations is correct?
Question 6
Which microorganism causes hepatitis B?
Question 7
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
Question 8
Optical fibres are mainly used for which of the following?
Question 9
A shopkeeper marks his goods 30% above his cost price but allows a discount of 10% at the time of sale. His gain is
Question 10
The celebrated novel ‘The Godfather’ was authored by
Question 11
The Parliament of Japan is known as
Question 12
How many numbers are there from 1 to 60, which are divisible by 3 and either unit digit or tenth digit or both include 3 and it should be a two digit number?
- 13685 attempts
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SSC & RailwayGeneralJun 24SSC & Railway