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Question 1
Find numerical value of 

Question 2
If an amount is increased by 20%, by what percent it must be decreased to cancel the increment?
Question 3
A watch is sold for Rs. 440 cash or for Rs. 200 cash down payment together with Rs. 244 to be paid after one month. Find the rate of interest per annum charged in the instalment scheme.
Question 5
An inlet pipe can fill a water tank in 2 hours. There is a leak in the bottom of tank, and hence it took 2 hours 45 min to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water of the tank in:
Question 6
In an acute-angled triangle ABC if sin(B + C - A) = √3/2 and tan(C + A – B) = 1 then ∠C is equal to:
Question 7
is equal to

Question 8
If sin4θ + cos4θ -1 = 0, then what is the value of sin2θ.cos2θ = ?
Question 9
Find out the word that cannot be created from given word ‘Mathematician’-
Question 10
BIBA is coded as 6; CURSE is coded as 14 ; Then LEAP will be coded as ?
Question 11
In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Mouth : Teeth :: head : ?
Mouth : Teeth :: head : ?
Question 12
A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
37, 70, 103, 136, ?
37, 70, 103, 136, ?
Question 13
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
1) Caronobonmoxide
2) Carbonmonooxide
3) Carbonoxidemono
4) Carbonmoxideono
5) Carboxideonmono
Question 14
A mother tells her daughter , “I was two times of your present age when you were born”. If the mother's age five years ago was forty years. Then how old the girl was two years ago?
Question 15
A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
11, 14, 27, ?, 51, 62
11, 14, 27, ?, 51, 62
Question 16
Which international organization has approved Rs. 11000 Cr loan for Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Program of India.
Question 17
What is the name of new Doordarshan channel for Arunachal Pradesh?
Question 18
Who among the following has been appointed as the acting US secretary of Defense from January 1, 2019 ?
Question 19
Among the following states, the literacy rate is highest in
Question 20
ORACLE is _____.
Question 21
When the Govt of India decided to set up the Industrial Development Bank of India?
Question 22
Which statement is correct about U shape valley and V shape valley?
Question 23
The example of the reaction of Acetone with HCN to form cyanohydrins is called __________?
Question 24
The ratio of relative velocity of sepration after collision to the velocity of approach before collision is called______.
Question 25
When the intermolecular forces in crystalline solids are dipole - dipole forces, then which of the constituent particles will be polar molecules
- 501 attempts
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