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Question 1
A dealer labelled the price of an article to earn 20% profit on cost price. Then he offered 5% discount on the labelled price. Now his profit percent is:
Question 2
Find the value of tan100

Question 3
The difference between CI and SI for 3 years @20% p.a . is Rs. 152 . What is the principal lent in each case?
Question 4
Jatin invested Rs. 2 crore for setting up a rubber factory which produce 600 ton rubber per annum. Rubber is being sold at Rs 220 per kg. Manufacturing cost including raw material is Rs 108/kg, labour and packaging charges are Rs 12/kg, maintenance and utility charges are Rs10/kg. 30% taxes are being paid of the gross annual profit. find the net profit per annum of the production of the factory.
Question 5
A book costing Rs. 840 was sold at 10% profit. After using it was again sold at 5% loss. Final selling price of the book is:
Question 6
Which number can be the value of a?

Question 7
B is 3 years elder than A but twice as old as C. If their average age 14 years, find the present age of B.
Question 8
In the given figure, AC = 8, AB = 13, AD = 2
, BD : DC = 3 : 2. Find the value of BC.

Question 9
If Farhan celebrated his victory day on Thursday, 10th October, 1985. When will he celebrate his next victory day on the same day ?
Question 10
In a row facing North, Amir is fifth to the left of Mintu who is ninth from the right end. If Ambuj who is seventh from the left end is second to the left of Amir, how many boys are there in the row?
Question 11
If 'L' stands for '+' , 'M' stands for '-' , N stands for 'x' , P stands for '÷' then
14 N 10 L 42 P 2 M 8 = ?
14 N 10 L 42 P 2 M 8 = ?
Question 12
In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Bird : Ornithologist :: Plant : ?
Bird : Ornithologist :: Plant : ?
Question 13
For the following questions
Find out the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives
Find out the odd word/letters/number pair from the given alternatives
Question 14
If D = 4, DOG = 26, then find the value of ANIMAL= ?
Question 15
If A means +, B means ×, C means ÷, D means −, then the value of given equation will be?
Question 16
Which commission suggested an 'Agricultural Renewal Action Plan' in India?
Question 17
Who regulates the stock market in India?
Question 18
Which district of Arunachal Pradesh achieved 100% electricity under the Saubhagya Scheme ?
Question 19
At Rio Olympics, what was the final position of Dipa Karmakar in her category?
Question 20
Which is the world’s largest lake in terms of surface area?
Question 21
Who among the following Sufis has called India - “A paradise on earth”?
Question 22
Who is authorised to dissolve Lok Sabha at any time even before the completion of 5 years and this cannot be challenged in Court of Law ?
Question 23
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of
Question 24
Which of the following is not a compound?
Question 25
Who among the following is said to be the inventor of ‘Polymerase chain reaction’?
- 467 attempts
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