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Question 1
A shopkeeper marks MRP 20% more than cost price. and gives 10% discount. if he gives 900gm in place of 1000gm at the time of sale. At the time of purchasing is uses 1100gm in place of 1000gm . find his net profit %.
Question 2
In a competitive examination 35% is the minimum marks for a student to be qualified. A student got 160 marks and failed by 15 marks. The maximum mark is:
Question 3
, where
are rational numbers then, the ratio

Question 4
Which of the following cannot divide

Question 5
If the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, … 198 are multiplied together, how many zeroes will appear in the end of the result?
Question 6
A fraction, whose 4/7 part is when subtracted from itself and resultant is subtracted from 3/7 gives 1/14, fraction is:
Question 7
Simplify the following expression:
1/(3×5) + 1/(5×7) + 1/(7×9) + 1/(9×11)
1/(3×5) + 1/(5×7) + 1/(7×9) + 1/(9×11)
Question 8
What is the equation of the line which passes through the point(-4,2) and the sum of whose intercepts at 'x' and 'y' axis is 5?
Question 9
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
1. Culmination
2. Conclusion
3. Climax
4. Cultivation
1. Culmination
2. Conclusion
3. Climax
4. Cultivation
Question 10
If ‘AMERICA’ is coded as ‘DSHVPFD', ‘INDIA' is coded as ‘PTGPD' So how will ‘MEDICINE' be coded in that language?
Question 11
In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
India : Ram Nath Kovind :: United State : ?
India : Ram Nath Kovind :: United State : ?
Question 12
In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
Question 13
In the following question, select the correct combination of mathematical sings to replace ? and balance the question.
400 ? 20 ? 5 ? 3 ? 22
400 ? 20 ? 5 ? 3 ? 22
Question 14
In the following question, select the related group of letters from the given alternatives.
EHJ : KNP :: SVX : ?
EHJ : KNP :: SVX : ?
Question 15
Rajesh walks 2 km to south, then turns north-east, and walks 3 km. Then he turns south and walks 2 kms. Then he turns west and walks 4 kms. Finally, he turns north-west and walks 5 kms. In which direction is he from his starting point?
Question 16
Sex ratio in India is measured as
Question 17
Who has been appointed as Director General of Punjab Police?
Question 18
Which American Indian has been appointed for post of Assistant secretary of Nuclear Energy in US?
Question 19
Which ocean is triangular in shape?
Question 20
In which country is the 'Ruhr Basin' coal producing area located?
Question 21
Who was the last emperor of Slave Dynasty?
Question 22
Which article deals with Speaker of Lok Sabha?
Question 23
How many types of motion are there in mechanics?
Question 24
Which of the following is known as the economic capital of Uttar Pradesh?
Question 25
Which World Heritage Monument has been acclaimed as the “Necropoils of the Mughal dynasty”?
- 1128 attempts
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