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Question 1
If Gafur’s salary is 4/3 times of Hasshim’s and Satish is 5/4 times of Hasshim’s, what is the ratio of Gafur’s salary to Satish’s?
Question 2
What least value must be assigned to ‛*’ so that the numbers 451 * 603 is exactly divisible by 9?
Question 3

Question 4
In the adjoining figure O is the center of circle and AP is diameter. Pt is tangent at P. If

Question 5
Priya has 46 currency notes in the denominations of ₹20 and ₹100 in her purse. The total value of the currencies in her purse is ₹ 3000. Later in a shop, she exchanged 2 of the ₹100 notes for ₹20 notes. Find the total number of ₹20 and ₹100 notes in her purse after exchanging the notes.
Question 6
Find the area of circum circle, if AB = 17.5, AC = 8cm, AD = 5cm.

Question 7
A man swims upstream takes 6 hours 24 minutes to cover a certain distance, while it takes 3 hours to cover 4/5 of the same distance running downstream. Find the ratio of the speed of boat to speed of stream.
Question 8
Find the value of

Question 9
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
Question 10
In the following question, select the related group of letters from the given alternatives.n alternatives.
RST : QPO : MNO :: ?
RST : QPO : MNO :: ?
Question 11
Choose the correct alternative that will replace the question mark in the given series:
Question 12
If C is coded 3, DASH is coded as 32, then DANCE will be coded as
Question 13
If buying cost of a bottle of pure water and one cold drinks are 20 and 28 rupees respectively. If shopkeeper wants to sell pure water at price of cold drink and cold drink at 2 rupees profit per bottle, then by selling 4 bottles of pure water and 5 bottles of cold drink, how much profit percent approximately shopkeeper makes?
Question 14
A is not elder to D, A is elder to C, C is not elder to A, B is not elder to C. Who is the eldest?
Question 15
Among 5 persons M, N, O, P and Q; M is heavier than P who is heavier than only N. Q is heavier than P but lighter than O. No one is heavier than M. O is not the heaviest. Who among the following was the 2nd heaviest?
Question 16
PM Narendra Modi launched Project Gangajal for which city in January, 2019?
Question 17
What is the new name of Macedonia?
Question 18
Which body will be replaced by proposed National Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine (NCIM)?
Question 19
Atal Bhashantar Yojana has been launched by which of the following Indian government ministry ?
Question 20
Who among the following has been honoured for ‘services to statistics and to the Sikh community’ in December, 2018 ?
Question 21
Which among the following is called "Sea of Tranquility" ?
Question 22
Which is the largest glacier in the Himalayas?
Question 23
Carcinoma is a cancer of?
Question 24
Ozone is depleted mainlal due to free radicals of _____.
Question 25
What does tapeworm possess:
- 578 attempts
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