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Question 1
The stagnant water at the bottom of a lake is called
Question 2
Two richest Known sources of edible protein are
Question 3
The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum?
Question 4
A radioactive substance has a half-life of four months. Three-fourth of the sub stance will decay in :
Question 5
Programs which protect a disk from an infection are called as :
Question 6
Branch of biology which deals with the study of identification, nomenclature and classification on organism is____.
Question 7
Who is the scientist who studied about wheat rust problem?
Question 8
Sewing machine was invented by _____________ .
Question 9
Anil started a business with an investment of Rs. 25,000. after 3 months, vishal joined his business with a capital of Rs. 30,000 At the end of the year, they have made a profit of Rs. 19,000. what will be anil’s share in the profit?
Question 10
Parallel sides of a trapezium are 26 cm and 40 cm and the area is 792 cm2. What is the value of the distance (in cm) between parallel sides?
Question 11
What is the length of the longest rod that can be placed in a room which is 3 metres long, 4 metres broad and 5 metres high?
Question 12
A is 20% more efficient than B. If B alone can complete a piece of work in 12 days, then A alone can complete the same work in how many days?
Question 13
Which one among
is the largest?

Question 14
The value of

Question 15
A sofa-set listed at `800 is sold to a retailer at successive discounts of 25% and 15% by the wholesaler. What is the selling price of the sofa-set?
- 343 attempts
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