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Question 1
Which drug is used to cure Hypertension?
Question 2
Which among the following compounds has the strongest hydrogen bond?
Question 3
Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Calcium?
Question 4
For which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with increase in temperature?
Question 5
Group of 4 bits form a _______.
Question 6
Psidium guajava is the scientific name of _________.
Question 7
Which of the following symbiotic associations forms lichen?
Question 8
Marks of two candidates P and Q are in the ratio of 2 : 5. If the marks of P are 120, marks of Q are
Question 9
If (a + b) : (b + c) : (c + a) = 6 : 7 : 8 and (a + b + c) = 14, then the value of c is
Question 10
If the price of rice be raised by 25%, the percent by which a house-holder must reduce his consumption of rice so as not to increase his expenditure on rice is
Question 11

Question 12
A team played 40 games in a season and won in 24 of them. What percent of games played did the team win?
Question 13
If the total surface area of a cube is 96 cm2, its volume is
Question 14
The radius of cross section of a solid cylindrical rod of iron is 50 cm. The cylinder is melted down and formed into 6 solid spherical balls of the same radius as that of the cylinder. The length of the rod (in metres) is:
Question 15
In a division sum, the divisor is 3 times the quotient and 6 times the remainder. If the remainder is 2, then the dividend is
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