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Question 1
How many types of teeth are there in humans?
Question 2
Which of the following series is true about energy flow in an ecosystem ?
Question 3
Match correctly the Nutrient deficiency given in List-I with the diseases caused by the deficiency given in List-II.
List I List II
(1) Iodine (i) Microcytic anaemia
(2) Iron (ii) Pernicious anaemia
(3) Niacin (iii) Goitre
(4) Vitamin B12 (iv) Pellagra
List I List II
(1) Iodine (i) Microcytic anaemia
(2) Iron (ii) Pernicious anaemia
(3) Niacin (iii) Goitre
(4) Vitamin B12 (iv) Pellagra
Question 4
Which of the following three R's are regarded as environment friendly?
Question 5
To which habitat is the turtle Petrie adapted?
Question 6
Some roots, called _________, arise from an organ other than the radicle.
Question 7
Prawns belong to which family?
Question 8
Cannis Familiaris is the scientific name of
Question 9
According to beliefs, _________ river is the son of Rishi Vashishtha and bathing in it, on Ekadashi can wash away sins.
Question 10
Which of the following Indian chilly is considered one of the hottest in the world?
Question 11
Richter scale is used for meansuring
Question 12
National Fruit of India is
Question 13
Which of the following is the Third largest country in population after China and India?
Question 14
All the ecosystems taken together in a geographical area form a bigger unit called:
Question 15
Match correctly the following deserts and their location by choosing the correct response;
a. Kalahari
b. Atacama
c. Thar.
d. Great Victoria
1. South America
2. Australia
3. Africa
4. Asia
a. Kalahari
b. Atacama
c. Thar.
d. Great Victoria
1. South America
2. Australia
3. Africa
4. Asia
Question 16
Shyam was facing East. He walked 5 km forward and then after turning to his right walked 3 km. Again he tuned to his right and walked 4 kms. Which direction was he facing at that time?
Question 17
A student walked out from the Classroom towards the Library. She went first to the Canteen on the left side, 24 ft away. After a cup of tea, took a right turn and went to the Laboratory 13 ft away. She then went to the Physics Block, 15 ft to the left. She talked to a friend, in the garden 3 ft. on the left and continued walking in the same direction to the Library, 10 ft more. What was the actual distance between the Library and the Classroom?
Question 18
In the following question, select the odd letter group from the given alternatives.
Question 19
A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
Question 20
Sunita is the 11th from either end of a row of girls. How many girls are there in that row?
Question 21
In the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
7, 8, 11, 16, 23, ?
7, 8, 11, 16, 23, ?
Question 22
How many cubes are there in this diagram?

Question 23
In each of the following questions, from the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Question 24
There are 480 coins in half rupees, quarter rupees and 10 paisa coins and their values are proportional to 5 : 3 : 1. The numbers of coins in each case are
Question 25
The distance between the centers of two circles with radii 9 cm and 16 cm is 25 cm. The length of the segment of the tangent between them is
Question 26
If x = 2015, y = 2014 and z = 2013, then value of

Question 27
then the value of

Question 28
The wrong (misfit) number of the sequence 5, 15, 45, 135, 395, 1215, 3645 is:
Question 29
If tan2θ.tan 4θ = 1, then the value of tan 3θ is
Question 30
If A = sin2θ + cos4θ, for any value of θ, then the value of A is
- 201 attempts
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