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Question 1
Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referencing format?
a) Italicize titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays
b) Invert authors’ names (last name first)
c) Italicize titles of longer works as books and journals
d) Alphabetically index reference list
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a) Italicize titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays
b) Invert authors’ names (last name first)
c) Italicize titles of longer works as books and journals
d) Alphabetically index reference list
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Question 2
The format of thesis writing is the same as in
Question 3
The principal of a school conducts an interview session of teachers and students with a view to explore the possibility of their enhanced anticipation in school programmes. This endeavor may be related to which type of research?
Question 4
A study measuring the yearly consumption of a household between 2014 to 2018 comes under which kind of research?
Question 5
The frequency distribution of a research data which is symmetrical in shape similar to a normal distribution but center peak is much higher, is
Question 6
Which of the following sequences of research steps is nearer to scientific method?
Question 7
Below are given two sets – research methods (Set-I) and data collection tools (Set-II).
Match the two sets and indicate your answer by selecting the correct code :

Match the two sets and indicate your answer by selecting the correct code :

Question 8
Time spent on studying causes a change in test score. Which kind of variable is ‘test score’?
Question 9
In finalizing a thesis writing format which of the following would form part of supplementary pages?
Question 10
A researcher attempts to evaluate the effect of method of feeding on anxiety – proneness of children. Which method of research would be appropriate for this?
- 4727 attempts
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