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Reasoning Quiz on Missing Number For SSC Exam

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Question 1

In each of the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
6, 40, 2
3, 25, 4
5, ?, 7

Question 2

Select the missing number from the given responses

Question 3

A man travels 3 km in the East and turns to South and moves 4 km. How far is be from the starting point?

Question 4

In the following five questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
Select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 5

Select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 6

Select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 7

Directions: In each of the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses.
96, 100, 132
6,     4,      6
5,     7,      3
21,     32,   ?
  • 4709 attempts
Jun 16SSC & Railway