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Reasoning Quiz On Inequality
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Question 1
Direction: In these questions, the relationship between two elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and given answer.
V > R = A, P > A, R ≤ S
I. A < S
II. A = S
V > R = A, P > A, R ≤ S
I. A < S
II. A = S
Question 2
Direction: In these questions, the relationship between two elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and given answer.
B < Y < W = N = K ≤ S
I. S > Y
II. B = S
B < Y < W = N = K ≤ S
I. S > Y
II. B = S
Question 3
Direction: In these questions, the relationship between two elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and given answer.
K > A < N, K = B ≤ S
I. S > A
II. N > B
K > A < N, K = B ≤ S
I. S > A
II. N > B
Question 4
Direction: In these questions, the relationship between two elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and given answer.
K = B ≥A < S = T ≤ R
I. B = T
II. R > A
K = B ≥A < S = T ≤ R
I. B = T
II. R > A
Question 5
Direction: In these questions, the relationship between two elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and given answer.
K = M ≥P, N > R, K > T
I. T = P
II. R < K
K = M ≥P, N > R, K > T
I. T = P
II. R < K
Question 6
Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and answer the questions.
Which of the following expressions will be true if the given expression ' P> Q ≥ R = Q < T < S
Question 7
Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and answer the questions.
If the expressions 'E < J ≤ H > Z', 'H ≤ Y' and 'E > F' are true, which of the following conclusions will be definitely false?
Question 8
Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and answer the questions.
Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark in the given expression in order to make the expressions 'D≤ A' and 'F > C' definitely true?
A ≥ B = C ? D ≤ E < F
A ≥ B = C ? D ≤ E < F
Question 9
Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and answer the questions.
In which of the following expressions will the expression ‘P > S’ be definitely false?
Question 10
Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that ‘D < A’ definitely holds true?
Α ? Β ? C ? D
Α ? Β ? C ? D
- 23882 attempts
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