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Reasoning quiz on Inequality & Coding – Decoding for SBI 2016 Exam

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Question 1

Direction: In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/ are definitely true.
X > P > Q > R, X = Y, X < Z
I. Y > R
II. R > Z

Question 2

Direction: In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below is/are definitely true.

Q, S T, P = S
I. P = Q
II. P > Q

Question 3

Direction: In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.

S < T, T > R, T = W
I. R < S
II. S > W

Question 4

Direction: In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/ are definitely true.
X = Y < Z > W
I. Z = X
II. Z > X

Question 5

Direction: In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/ are definitely true.
S < R, Y = X < Z, S < Y
Y > R
II. R > Z

Question 6

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below: 

In a certain code language,
‘training is always necessary’ is written as ‘god asb byo mnp’,
‘teacher perception always right’ is written as 'mnp den coh hen,
‘teacher can stop training’ is written as ‘byo coh vyo rho’
‘stop bad perception necessary’ is written as ‘den puk asb vyo’.
What is the code used for ‘right’?

Question 7

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below: 

In a certain code language,
‘training is always necessary’ is written as ‘god asb byo mnp’,
‘teacher perception always right’ is written as 'mnp den coh hen,
‘teacher can stop training’ is written as ‘byo coh vyo rho’
‘stop bad perception necessary’ is written as ‘den puk asb vyo’.
‘Puk’ is the code used for which of the following?

Question 8

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below: 
In a certain code language,
‘training is always necessary’ is written as ‘god asb byo mnp’,
‘teacher perception always right’ is written as 'mnp den coh hen,
‘teacher can stop training’ is written as ‘byo coh vyo rho’
‘stop bad perception necessary’ is written as ‘den puk asb vyo’.
‘hen god puk’ would mean?

Question 9

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below: 
In a certain code language,
‘training is always necessary’ is written as ‘god asb byo mnp’,
‘teacher perception always right’ is written as 'mnp den coh hen,
‘teacher can stop training’ is written as ‘byo coh vyo rho’
‘stop bad perception necessary’ is written as ‘den puk asb vyo’.
‘teacher is always linguist’ would be written as

Question 10

Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below: 
In a certain code language,
‘training is always necessary’ is written as ‘god asb byo mnp’,
‘teacher perception always right’ is written as 'mnp den coh hen,
‘teacher can stop training’ is written as ‘byo coh vyo rho’
‘stop bad perception necessary’ is written as ‘den puk asb vyo’.
Which word is represented by ‘hen’?
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