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Reasoning Quiz on Coding Decoding for SSC Exam

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Question 1

If MILITARY can be written as 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, how can LIMIT be written in that code?

Question 2

In a certain code GRANT is written as UOBSH and PRIDE is written as FEJSQ, How is SOLD written in that code?

Question 3

In a certain code GLARE is written as 513%# and LIVE is written as 18@#. How is GIVE written in that code?

Question 4

In a certain code TRAIN is written as ’39*7%’ and MEAL is written as ‘4$*@’. How is ITEM written in that code ?

Question 5

If STOP is coded as 19 20 15 16, how can we code the word POTS?

Question 6

If 'EXPANSION' is written as 248537693, in a certain code, how would 'PENSION' be written in that code ?

Question 7

If FIREWOOD is written as ERIFDOOW, how is FRACTION written as?

Question 8

In a certain code, MODEL is written as '513#2' and DEAR is written as '3#%8'. How is LOAD written in that code?

Question 9

If NASCENT is written as 2734526, how is SENTENCE written in that code?

Question 10

In a certain code, ‘TASK’ is written as ‘BUJR’ and ‘BIND’ is written as ‘JCCM’. How is ‘SUIT’ written in that code?
  • 7349 attempts
Mar 16SSC & Railway