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Reasoning Quiz on Alphabet Test for SSC Exams

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Question 1

Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement:

1) Epitaxy

2) Episode

3) Epigene

4) Epitome

5) Epilogue

Question 2

In this question, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following.
1. Lung
2. Nostrils
3. Windpipe
4. Blood

Question 3

If the following words are arranged according to English Dictionary, which word will be on third place?

Question 4

Direction: Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
1. Rain
2. Sunlight
3. Vapour
4. Cloud

Question 5

Which of the following word will appear second last in the dictionary order?

Question 6

Arrange the following words according to the dictionary:
1. Matter
2. Motive

3. Mockery
4. Manage

5. Movies

Question 7

Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words ?
A. Family
B. Community

C. Member
D. Locality

E. Country

Question 8

In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?

m _ n m _ n _ a n _ a_ m a_

Question 9

Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
(1) Spokesperson
(2) Sportsman
(3) Spreadsheet
(4) Specification
(5) Sophisticated

Question 10

If 'SYNDICATE' is written as 'SYTENDCAI' then how can 'PSYCHOTIC' be written ?
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