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Reasoning Quiz:08.07.2019

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Question 1

If it is possible to make only one meaningful word from the first, the second, the third and the seventh letters of the word REACHED using each letter only once, which is the third letter from the right end of that word, is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed your answer is Y, if no such word can be formed your answer is X.

Question 2

In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.

Russia : Moscow :: Austria : ?

Question 3

P is two years older than Q who is twice as old as R. If the total of the ages of P, Q and R be 47, the how old is R?

Question 4

Which word comes first in the dictionary?

Question 5

Atul is married to Lata who has has only son Sambit. Lata is the daughter of Karthik who is the husband of Nupur. How’s Nupur related to Sambit?

Question 6

In the following question, select the odd letters from the given alternatives.

Question 7

A person goes out home and returns after sometime. He notices during his absence clock’s minute hand rotates 2880. How much does clock’s hour hand rotate in that duration?

Question 8

In a certain code language, ‘LOGIN’ is written as ‘ONJHQ’ and ‘PSWRD’ is written as ‘SRZQG’. How is ‘OTPIS’ written in that code language?

Question 9

Ram walks 8 meters towards the north, then turns to his right and walks 7 meters and then turns to his right and walks 8 meters. Turning to his left he walks 5 meters then turns to his right and walks 6 meters finally again turning to his right he walks 12 meters and stops. In which direction is end point from his starting point and the shortest distance between them.

Question 10

What two signs in the following equation need to be interchanged so that the equation will be mathematically correct?

13 + 10 ÷ 2 – 4 × 7 = 36
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