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Reasoning Ability: IBPS Clerk Pre Memory Based Quiz Slot 3(08.12.2018)

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Question 1

Direction: In the following question, some statements is followed by some conclusions, you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given logically follows. Choose that conclusion as the answer.
All books are covers.
No pen is pencils.
Some covers are pens.

I. All pens can never be covers.
II. Some books are pencils.

Question 2

Direction: In the following question, some statements is followed by some conclusions, you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given logically follows. Choose that conclusion as the answer.
No chair is a table.
All tables are fans.
No fan is a gate.

I. No table is a gate.
II. Some chairs are fans.

Question 3

Direction: In the following question, some statements is followed by some conclusions, you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given logically follows. Choose that conclusion as the answer.
All wires are shoes.
Some shoes are shirts.
Some coats are shoes.

I. All coats can never be shirts
II. Some wires can be shirts.

Question 4

Direction: In the following question, some statements is followed by some conclusions, you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given logically follows. Choose that conclusion as the answer.
No apple is an orange.
No orange is a banana.
All bananas are grapes.

I. Some oranges can be grapes.
II. Some apples can be bananas.

Question 5

Direction: In the following question, some statements is followed by some conclusions, you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given logically follows. Choose that conclusion as the answer.
Some words are letters.
No letter is a digit.
Some digits are books.

I. No word is a digit.
II. All books can never be letters.

Question 6

Direction: Study the following arrangement of the English alphabet and answer the questions given below.

Which of the following letter will be at the immediate right of the 1st vowel of the English alphabet?

Question 7

Direction: Study the following arrangement of the English alphabet and answer the questions given below.

Which of the following letter is 7th to the right of the alphabet F?

Question 8

Direction: Study the following arrangement of the English alphabet and answer the questions given below.

Which of the following letter is 5th to the right of the 2nd vowel of the English alphabet?

Question 9

Direction: Study the following arrangement of the English alphabet and answer the questions given below.

Which of the following letter is 3rd to left of the last letter of the English alphabet?

Question 10

Direction: Study the following arrangement of the English alphabet and answer the questions given below.

After deleting all the vowels, which letter comes fourth in the series?

Question 11

Direction: Read the following instruction carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Certain people are sitting in a row facing North. There are as many people to the right of Z as there are to the left of Z. Y is third to the left of U who sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the row. T sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. There are five persons sitting between T and W. X sits exactly in the middle of T and W. Two persons sit between W and Z. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. There are as many persons sitting between Y and V as many are sitting between W and Y. V sits at one of the ends and there are 2 people between V and U.
Who is sitting exactly in the middle of Z and U?

Question 12

Direction: Read the following instruction carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Certain people are sitting in a row facing North. There are as many people to the right of Z as there are to the left of Z. Y is third to the left of U who sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the row. T sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. There are five persons sitting between T and W. X sits exactly in the middle of T and W. Two persons sit between W and Z. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. There are as many persons sitting between Y and V as many are sitting between W and Y. V sits at one of the ends and there are 2 people between V and U.
How many persons are sitting in the row?

Question 13

Direction: Read the following instruction carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Certain people are sitting in a row facing North. There are as many people to the right of Z as there are to the left of Z. Y is third to the left of U who sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the row. T sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. There are five persons sitting between T and W. X sits exactly in the middle of T and W. Two persons sit between W and Z. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. There are as many persons sitting between Y and V as many are sitting between W and Y. V sits at one of the ends and there are 2 people between V and U.
How many persons are sitting to the right of Y?

Question 14

Direction: Read the following instruction carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Certain people are sitting in a row facing North. There are as many people to the right of Z as there are to the left of Z. Y is third to the left of U who sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the row. T sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. There are five persons sitting between T and W. X sits exactly in the middle of T and W. Two persons sit between W and Z. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. There are as many persons sitting between Y and V as many are sitting between W and Y. V sits at one of the ends and there are 2 people between V and U.
Which of the following statement is incorrect?

Question 15

Direction: Read the following instruction carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Certain people are sitting in a row facing North. There are as many people to the right of Z as there are to the left of Z. Y is third to the left of U who sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the row. T sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. There are five persons sitting between T and W. X sits exactly in the middle of T and W. Two persons sit between W and Z. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the row. There are as many persons sitting between Y and V as many are sitting between W and Y. V sits at one of the ends and there are 2 people between V and U.
Who is sitting sixth to the right of X?

Question 16

If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the second, the third, and the sixth letters of the word INEVITABLE, which of the following will be the third letter of that word? If no such word can be made give ‘X’ as the answer and if more than one such word can be made give ‘Y’ as the answer.

Question 17

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the related questions.

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are standing in a position in a ground such that:
1) D is 5 m south of C.
2) C is 6 m west of E who is 9 m north of G.
3) G is 12 m east of B.
4) A is 7 m south of I who is in the middle of B and G.
5) F is 16 m east of A.
6) H is in the middle of A and F.
What is the minimum distance between D and B?

Question 18

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the related questions.

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are standing in a position in a ground such that:
1) D is 5 m south of C.
2) C is 6 m west of E who is 9 m north of G.
3) G is 12 m east of B.
4) A is 7 m south of I who is in the middle of B and G.
5) F is 16 m east of A.
6) H is in the middle of A and F.
What is the minimum distance between C and F?

Question 19

Direction: Study the information given below and answer the related questions.

Nine friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are standing in a position in a ground such that:
1) D is 5 m south of C.
2) C is 6 m west of E who is 9 m north of G.
3) G is 12 m east of B.
4) A is 7 m south of I who is in the middle of B and G.
5) F is 16 m east of A.
6) H is in the middle of A and F.
H is in which direction with respect to E?

Question 20

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W - are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

R is an immediate neighbour of T. Three persons are sitting between R and V. Q is sitting second to the left of W. Only one person is sitting between W and S. U is not an immediate neighbour of S or T. W is not an immediate neighbour of R.
What is the position of R with respect to S on the basis of given sitting arrangement?

Question 21

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W - are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

R is an immediate neighbour of T. Three persons are sitting between R and V. Q is sitting second to the left of W. Only one person is sitting between W and S. U is not an immediate neighbour of S or T. W is not an immediate neighbour of R.
How many persons are sitting between T and U if we move in clockwise direction starting from T?

Question 22

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W - are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

R is an immediate neighbour of T. Three persons are sitting between R and V. Q is sitting second to the left of W. Only one person is sitting between W and S. U is not an immediate neighbour of S or T. W is not an immediate neighbour of R.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the given sitting arrangement and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

Question 23

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W - are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

R is an immediate neighbour of T. Three persons are sitting between R and V. Q is sitting second to the left of W. Only one person is sitting between W and S. U is not an immediate neighbour of S or T. W is not an immediate neighbour of R.
Which of the following statements is true regarding P on the basis of given sitting arrangement?

Question 24

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W - are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre but not necessarily in the same order.

R is an immediate neighbour of T. Three persons are sitting between R and V. Q is sitting second to the left of W. Only one person is sitting between W and S. U is not an immediate neighbour of S or T. W is not an immediate neighbour of R.
Who among the following is sitting third to the right of V?

Question 25

Directions: Read the given information and answer the given question.

There are nine boxes kept one above the other. There are 5 boxes between box P and box R. Box T is kept immediately above R. Three boxes are kept between box T and box S. Number of boxes between P and S is same as the number of boxes between T and Q. Box U is kept below box Q. Box W is kept somewhere below X. There is only one box kept between U and V. U is above V.
What is the position of box W in the given arrangement?

Question 26

Directions: Read the given information and answer the given question.

There are nine boxes kept one above the other. There are 5 boxes between box P and box R. Box T is kept immediately above R. Three boxes are kept between box T and box S. Number of boxes between P and S is same as the number of boxes between T and Q. Box U is kept below box Q. Box W is kept somewhere below X. There is only one box kept between U and V. U is above V.
Which of the following pair of box is kept immediately above and below box Q respectively?

Question 27

Directions: Read the given information and answer the given question.

There are nine boxes kept one above the other. There are 5 boxes between box P and box R. Box T is kept immediately above R. Three boxes are kept between box T and box S. Number of boxes between P and S is same as the number of boxes between T and Q. Box U is kept below box Q. Box W is kept somewhere below X. There is only one box kept between U and V. U is above V.
How many boxes are kept between X and P?

Question 28

Directions: Read the given information and answer the given question.

There are nine boxes kept one above the other. There are 5 boxes between box P and box R. Box T is kept immediately above R. Three boxes are kept between box T and box S. Number of boxes between P and S is same as the number of boxes between T and Q. Box U is kept below box Q. Box W is kept somewhere below X. There is only one box kept between U and V. U is above V.
V is related P and Q is related to X in certain manner. To which of the following is U related in the same manner?

Question 29

Directions: Read the given information and answer the given question.

There are nine boxes kept one above the other. There are 5 boxes between box P and box R. Box T is kept immediately above R. Three boxes are kept between box T and box S. Number of boxes between P and S is same as the number of boxes between T and Q. Box U is kept below box Q. Box W is kept somewhere below X. There is only one box kept between U and V. U is above V.
Which of the following statements is not true?
I. There are two boxes between T and Q.
II. S is kept below W.
III. U is kept immediately above P.

Question 30

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G watch seven different serials on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order. B watches the serial on Saturday. More than two people watch the serial between E and C. A watches the serial on one of the days before C but not on Monday. As many people watch the serial between C and G as between A and C. F watches the serial immediately after G.
On which of the following days does D watch a serial?

Question 31

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G watch seven different serials on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order. B watches the serial on Saturday. More than two people watch the serial between E and C. A watches the serial on one of the days before C but not on Monday. As many people watch the serial between C and G as between A and C. F watches the serial immediately after G.
Who amongst the following watches the serial on Thursday?

Question 32

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G watch seven different serials on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order. B watches the serial on Saturday. More than two people watch the serial between E and C. A watches the serial on one of the days before C but not on Monday. As many people watch the serial between C and G as between A and C. F watches the serial immediately after G.
Which of the following represents the persons who watch the serial immediately before and immediately after B?

Question 33

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G watch seven different serials on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order. B watches the serial on Saturday. More than two people watch the serial between E and C. A watches the serial on one of the days before C but not on Monday. As many people watch the serial between C and G as between A and C. F watches the serial immediately after G.
Who among the following watches the serial immediately after Thursday?

Question 34

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G watch seven different serials on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order. B watches the serial on Saturday. More than two people watch the serial between E and C. A watches the serial on one of the days before C but not on Monday. As many people watch the serial between C and G as between A and C. F watches the serial immediately after G.
Who among the following watches the serial on Monday and Sunday?

Question 35

The positions of the first and the second digits of the number 43957682 are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the third and the fourth digits are interchanged and so on. Which of the following will be the sixth digit from the left end after the rearrangement?
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