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Quiz on Verbal Reasoning

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Question 1

Direction: The following question has two statements numbered I and II are given. These may have cause and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes without having any relationship. Read both the statements in each question and mark your answer.
I. The university has instructed all the colleges under its jurisdiction to ban use of mobile phones inside the college premises.
II. Majority of the teachers of the colleges signed a joint petition to the university complaining the disturbances because of phone.

Question 2

Direction: The following question has two statements numbered I and II are given. These may have cause and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes without having any relationship. Read both the statements in each question and mark your answer.
I. Most of the steel producing companies in the country have made considerable profit during the last financial year.
II. Many Asian countries have been importing huge quantities of steel from India.

Question 3

Direction: Each of the following questions given below consists of a question and three statements. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
Which village is towards the south-west of Q?

I. P is to the south of Q, and R and S are to the east and west of P respectively.
II. R is to the east of Q and S is to the south of R.
III. P is to the west of Q as well as R but nearer to Q than to R. S is to the south of P.

Question 4

Direction: Each of the questions below consists of a questions and three statements numbered I, II, III. given below it. You have to decide the data provided in which of the statements are sufficient to answer the questions and choose your answer accordingly.
Who amongst Subodh, Neeraj, Tara, Meena and Anil is the first to take lecture?

I. Subodh takes lecture before Meena
II. Tara is not the first to take lecture.
III. Meena is not the last to take the lecture.

Question 5

Direction: The passage is followed by a set of five statements. Answer according to the directions given for question.

The average American voter does not care about Libya. That may sound harsh, but it’s generally true. The average American does however care a great deal about gas prices. So perhaps it is no surprise that as the regime of Moammar Gadhafi falls, American news outlets are trying to explain the news out of Libya within the frame of prices at the pump. Heck, it was the first idea that came to my mind as I thumbed through the morning news.
Adding insult to injury is the amount of fuel being used to conduct these fuel-based military operations in the Middle East. A CNN.com article pointed out recently that, “One out of eight U.S. Army casualties in Iraq was the result of protecting fuel convoys. A post on Scaling Green contained a video of FTI Consulting’s Adam Siegel recalling a chat with Gen. Richard Zilmer. In that conversation, the former commander of troops in the Anbar province of Iraq told Seigel, “I need renewable energy because getting fuel to my base is putting people's lives at risk.”
Which of the above statements can be a just explanation for the way American news agencies are portraying the Libyan news?

Question 6

Direction: The passage is followed by a set of five statements. Answer according to the directions given for question.

The average American voter does not care about Libya. That may sound harsh, but it’s generally true. The average American does however care a great deal about gas prices. So perhaps it is no surprise that as the regime of Moammar Gadhafi falls, American news outlets are trying to explain the news out of Libya within the frame of prices at the pump. Heck, it was the first idea that came to my mind as I thumbed through the morning news.
Adding insult to injury is the amount of fuel being used to conduct these fuel-based military operations in the Middle East. A CNN.com article pointed out recently that, “One out of eight U.S. Army casualties in Iraq was the result of protecting fuel convoys. A post on Scaling Green contained a video of FTI Consulting’s Adam Siegel recalling a chat with Gen. Richard Zilmer. In that conversation, the former commander of troops in the Anbar province of Iraq told Seigel, “I need renewable energy because getting fuel to my base is putting people's lives at risk.”
Which among the above statements is the assumption upon which the demand of Gen. Richard Zilmer is based?

Question 7

Direction: The passage is followed by a set of five statements. Answer according to the directions given for question.

The average American voter does not care about Libya. That may sound harsh, but it’s generally true. The average American does however care a great deal about gas prices. So perhaps it is no surprise that as the regime of Moammar Gadhafi falls, American news outlets are trying to explain the news out of Libya within the frame of prices at the pump. Heck, it was the first idea that came to my mind as I thumbed through the morning news.
Adding insult to injury is the amount of fuel being used to conduct these fuel-based military operations in the Middle East. A CNN.com article pointed out recently that, “One out of eight U.S. Army casualties in Iraq was the result of protecting fuel convoys. A post on Scaling Green contained a video of FTI Consulting’s Adam Siegel recalling a chat with Gen. Richard Zilmer. In that conversation, the former commander of troops in the Anbar province of Iraq told Seigel, “I need renewable energy because getting fuel to my base is putting people's lives at risk.”
Which of the above statements may be used to counteract the author's claim that it is "harsh" that the general American does not care about Libya?

Question 8

Direction: The passage is followed by a set of five statements. Answer according to the directions given for question.

The average American voter does not care about Libya. That may sound harsh, but it’s generally true. The average American does however care a great deal about gas prices. So perhaps it is no surprise that as the regime of Moammar Gadhafi falls, American news outlets are trying to explain the news out of Libya within the frame of prices at the pump. Heck, it was the first idea that came to my mind as I thumbed through the morning news.
Adding insult to injury is the amount of fuel being used to conduct these fuel-based military operations in the Middle East. A CNN.com article pointed out recently that, “One out of eight U.S. Army casualties in Iraq was the result of protecting fuel convoys. A post on Scaling Green contained a video of FTI Consulting’s Adam Siegel recalling a chat with Gen. Richard Zilmer. In that conversation, the former commander of troops in the Anbar province of Iraq told Seigel, “I need renewable energy because getting fuel to my base is putting people's lives at risk.”
Which of the above statements may be used by American authorities to justify the war on Libya and other middle eastern countries?

Question 9

Direction: The question below has a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement.
No reform of income-tax law can be completed without a reasonable and rational personal income-tax rate structure in our country.
I. Until the present exemption limit for individuals is not raised, tax evasion and black money can’t be checked.
II. Developed countries have reasonable income-tax rate structure.

Question 10

Direction: In the question below is given a statement followed by some assumptions. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
The government has decided to pay compensation to the tune of Rs. 20 lakh to the family members of soldiers killed in terrorist attack in Uri.


I. The government has enough funds to meet the expenses due to compensation.
II. The youth of India may take part in Indian Army so as to get compensation for their families.
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