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Question 1
What is the meaning of word “Aufbau” in Aufbau’s Principle?
Question 2
Which principle suggests that electrons are always filled in order of increasing energy?
Question 3
The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as
Question 4
Whose law states that volume is directly proportional to pressure?
Question 5
Match List-I with List –II ans select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
A). John Dalton
B). Joseph Proust
C). Antoine Lavoisier
D). Joseph Louis
1). Law of definite proportion by volume
2). Law of multiple proportion
3). Law of definite proportion by weight
4). Law of gay-Lussac conservation of mass
A). John Dalton
B). Joseph Proust
C). Antoine Lavoisier
D). Joseph Louis
1). Law of definite proportion by volume
2). Law of multiple proportion
3). Law of definite proportion by weight
4). Law of gay-Lussac conservation of mass
Question 6
Which of the following laws suggest a direct relationship between Temperature and Volume of a gas?
Question 7
The laws which govern the motion of planets are called ___________________.
Question 8
Law of conservation of energy states that
Question 9
Law of conservation of momentum states that
Question 10
Which one of the following equations can be derived from the Newton's Second Law of Motion?
Question 11
Newton's first law of motion describes the following
Question 12
_________ can be observed when a fine beam of light enters a room through a small hole. This happens due to the scattering of light by the particles of dust and smoke in the air.
Question 13
Ohm's law does not apply to which of the following?
Question 14
An electric wire is connected across a cell of e.m.f. E . The current
is measured by an ammeter of resistance R. According to ohm's law

Question 15
Newton's first law is also known as _________.
- 13274 attempts
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