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Quant Quiz 29 November: Wrong Number Series

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Question 1

Direction: Find the wrong term in the given series.
3, 2.5, 4, 10.5, 40, 180

Question 2

Direction:Find the wrong term in the given series:
18, 29, 42, 53, 66, 78

Question 3

Direction:Find the wrong term in the given series:
2016, 1508, 1008, 336, 84, 16.8

Question 4

Direction:Find the wrong term in the given series:
288, 144, 48, 12, 3, 0.4

Question 5

Direction:Find the wrong term in the given series:
36, 18, 6, 3, 1,  
  • 1029 attempts
  • 1 upvote
Nov 29PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance