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Question 1
Direction: A distributor collects 7 different items from a company.
The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.
The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.

The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

On which items is the profit percent the minimum and the maximum?
Question 2
Direction: A distributor collects 7 different items from a company.
The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.
The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.

The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The distributor sold 5 packets of coffee, 8 bottles of ketchup and 25 chocolates to a customer. Find his profit percentage in the transaction.
Question 3
Direction: A distributor collects 7 different items from a company.
The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.
The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.

The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

Certain volumes of coffee and chocolates were sold such that the total discount on coffee equals the total discount on chocolates. What is the profit percent in the transaction?
Question 4
Direction: A distributor collects 7 different items from a company.
The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.
The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.

The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

Toothpaste, soap and shampoo were sold to a customer such that the profit on each category of the items was the same. If the total profit was Rs. 810, what was the cost price of the items?
Question 5
Direction: A distributor collects 7 different items from a company.
The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.
The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The graph given below shows the cost(in Rs.) that he pays for each of the items.

The graphs given below shows the mark-up and discount percentage on the items.

The distributor managed the bills using a software. By mistake, he swapped the markup and discount percentages for the products. As a result, the selling prices would yield losses. Which product would give the minimum percent loss in this case?
- 482 attempts
Nov 23PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance