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QA Free Quiz || Averages

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Question 1

Naina scored 124 in her 16th ODI match and her average increased by 3 runs. What was her average for the first 15 matches?

Question 2

On scoring 96 runs in the 29th innings, Ronit’s average has increased by 2. What is his new average?

Question 3

Before his last match, Suresh's average score was 54 . In his last match, he scored 60 runs which increased his average to 55 . What runs must he score in his next match to increase his average to 56?

Question 4

The average age of 16 students of a class is 22 years. If the average age increases by 1 year when 4 more students join the class, then find the average age (in years) of the 4 new students.

Question 5

Kiran estimated that he needed 250 GB data per month, thus he bought a yearly internet plan accordingly. At the end of the 7th month, he realised he consumed only 235 GB data per month. What is the average monthly data (in GB) he can use in the next 5 months according to his internet plan?

Question 6

In a class, the average age of girls is 21 years and the average age of boys is 4 years less than the average age of the entire class. Find the average age of the entire class, if the ratio of the number of boys and girls is 3:4.

Question 7

The average age of a group of 15 men is 52 years. The average age of the group is decreased by 3 years when an older member is replaced by a new younger member. Find the difference (in years) between the age of the elder member and the younger member.

Question 8

The average amount of rainfall for 52 weeks of a particular year were in Arithmetic Progression. If the average rainfall in the 26th week was 54 cm and that in the next week was 56 cm, then what is the total rainfall in that entire year? [ignore the days of the year that are beyond the 52 weeks]

Question 9

There are two sections in a class. A test was conducted in both these sections. The average marks of the first section is 60 and that of the second section is 50. If the overall average of the entire class spanning these two sections is 54 and the number of students in the first section is 24, then what is the number of students in the second section?

Question 10

The average age of a class of 50 students increases by 1 year if the age of the teacher is included. If the age of the teacher is 61 years, what is the average age of the class excluding the teacher?
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Apr 6CAT & MBA