The best way to understand the exam pattern and the question trend of the SSC GD Constable is by solving SSC GD Constable previous years' question papers. Every candidate must practice the SSC GD Constable Exam question paper to check where they stand in their exam preparation and consequently make amends to improve the score. Familiarize yourself with the exam question paper for better understanding and result.
To provide the best resource for your exam preparation, the SSC GD Constable Exam question paper has been arranged year-wise including SSC GD Constable 2021, SSC GD Constable 2020 and many more. SSC GD Constable practice set contains questions from all the sections and of varying difficulty and complexity.
Evaluate your exam preparation using the SSC GD Constable question bank to gain insight into the required depth of information and conceptual clarity. Accordingly, you can strategize your preparation and succeed at it. To succeed in SSC GD Constable Examination, you must have a stronghold on formula’s, English and speed of solving the exam. SSC GD Constable exam question paper will help you practice all.
SSC GD Constable Syllabus
The SSC G Syllabus contain 4 sections. Check the syllabus below
General Awareness
- Scientific Inventions
- Important Dates
- Sports
- Awards and Honors
- Economy
- Culture
- Geography
- Indian/World History
- General Polity
- Para Jumbles
- Synonyms-Antonyms
- Comprehension Writing Sentence Formation
General Intelligence & Reasoning
- Spatial Visualization
- Spatial Orientation
- Observation
- Visual Memory
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Analogies
- Coding-Decoding
- Similarities and Differences
- Recent Studies and Theories
Elementary Mathematics
- Number System
- Percentages
- Averages
- Ratio and Proportions
- Interests
- Profit and Loss
- Discount
- Mensuration
- Time and Distance
- Time and Work
- Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern
The SSC GD constable exam consists of a Written Examination, followed by Physical Standards Test & Physical Efficiency Test. The selected candidates are then called for a Medical Test.
Section | Subject | Questions | Marks |
A | English/ Hindi | 25 | 25 |
B | Elementary Mathematics | 25 | 25 |
C | General Knowledge and Awareness | 25 | 25 |
D | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 |