Candidates must add Nainital Bank practice papers to boost the level of their preparation and get comfortable with the latest exam pattern and question trends for the Nainital Bank exam. After preparing the entire syllabus, it becomes the need of the hour to revise using the Nainital Bank question bank as it provides the time-bound setup of the actual exam. This will also improvise your speed of comprehending and solving the questions and enhances accuracy for a better result in the Nainital Bank exam.
To have the best preparation from your hard work and dedication, the Nainital Bank exam practice papers have been organised year-wise so that you can conveniently utilise them for your benefit. Nainital Bank practice set bring forth the question papers of all the sections and stages of the examination. Follow the Nainital Bank previous year papers to check your preparation and work to improve it accordingly.
Nainital Bank Syllabus 2021
The complete Nainital Bank syllabus is given for the candidates in the table below:
Section | Syllabus |
Reasoning Ability | - Seating Arrangements
- Puzzles
- Inequalities
- Syllogism
- Data Sufficiency
- Blood relation
- Order & Ranking
- Alphanumeric Series
- Direction distance
- Verbal Reasoning
English Language | - Cloze test
- Ace Reading Comprehension
- Error Spotting
- Sentence Improvement
- Sentence Correction
- Para jumble
- Fill in the blanks
- Para/Sentence Completion
Quantitative Aptitude | - Number series
- Data Interpretation
- Simplification and approximation
- Quadratic Equation
- Data Sufficiency
- Mensuration
- Average
- Profit loss & Discount
- Ratio and Proportion
- Time & Work and Energy
- Time and Distance
- Probability
- Relations
- simple interest & Compound Interest
- Permutation & Combination
General Awareness | - Current Affairs
- Banking Awareness
- GK Updates
- Currencies
- Important Places
- Books and Authors
- Awards
- Headquarters
- Prime Minister Schemes
- Important Days
Computer Knowledge | - History, generation, and types of computers
- Computer memory
- Input-output device
- Operating system
- Software and hardware
- Computer language
- Microsoft office
- File extension
- Internet
- Important abbreviation
Nainital Bank Exam Pattern 2021
The latest exam pattern for Nainital Bank is described below in the table:
Subject Name | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Reasoning | 40 | 40 | 35 Minutes |
English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 Minutes |
General Awareness (with special reference to Banking) | 40 | 40 | 20 Minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 40 | 35 Minutes |
Computer Knowledge | 40 | 40 | 35 Minutes |
Total | 200 | 200 | 145 Minutes |