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PnC 2-ARRANGEMENT PERMUTATIONS || Quantitative Aptitude || CAT 2021 || 19 October
Attempt now to get your rank among 474 students!
Question 1
In how many different ways can the letters of the word DAILY be arranged?
Question 2
In how many ways can a pack of cards be arranged if a red card always follows a black card and the last and the first cards are aces.
Question 3
3 families of 4 members each have arrived to a societal meeting that has 3 sets of chair arrangement. If they all are to be seated in such a way that all 4 members of a family must sit together on one set of chairs. The number of distinct ways they all can be seated is?

Question 4
In how many different ways can the letter of the word 'BELIEVE' be arranged?
Question 5
There are 2 shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of socks and 2 skirts. In how many ways a shopkeeper can arrange these things so that all the socks come together and all the skirts come together?
Question 6
How many ways the word ‘TAPEWRITER’ can be arranged so that vowels will always be together?
Question 7
In how many ways can the letters of the word EDUCATION be arranged so that the relative position of the vowels and consonants remain the same as in the word EDUCATION?
Question 8
In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘ARMOUR’ be arranged ?
Question 9
If the letter of the word 'BHARAT' are arranged as in dictionary, then find the rank of the word 'HAABRT’?
Question 10
In how many ways can the letters of work ‘SOLUTION’ be arranged such that all the vowels come together?
- 474 attempts
Mar 25CAT & MBA