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Question 1

The salary of an employee was first increased by 15% and thereafter it was reduced by 10%. What was the percentage change in his salary?

Question 2

If M = 8x and N = 6x, then N is what percentage less than M?

Question 3

A person spends 40% of his monthly income. The monthly income of the person is increased by 15% and his expenditure is decreased by 22%. What is the approximate percentage increase in his savings?

Question 4

If A = 1300 and B = 1450, then B is approximately what percentage more than A?

Question 5

A man spends 20% of his monthly salary on food and one-fourth of the remaining salary on charity. If he saves 9,600 per month, which is equal to half of the balance after spending on food and charity, then his monthly salary is:

Question 6

In an assembly election of two candidates, the winner got 56% of the total valid votes. 5% of the total votes were declared invalid. If the total number of voters is 3,20,000 then what is the number of valid votes polled for the winning candidate?

Question 7

The income of X is 20% less than the income of Y, and the income of Z is 35% less than the combined incomes of X and Y. By what percentage is the income of Z more than that of X?

Question 8

In an election, a candidate got 75% of the total valid votes. If 20% of the total votes were declared invalid, and the total numbers of votes is 560000, find the number of valid votes polled in favour of the candidate.

Question 9

If the tax on a commodity is diminished by 20% and its consumption increased by 15%, the revenue decreases by:

Question 10

The price of a book is first increased by 8% and later decreased by 8%. What is the percentage change in the price of the book?
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Apr 15SSC & Railway