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Para Summary || VARC || CAT 2021 II 29 October
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Question 1
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
The car has reshaped our cities and colonized our imaginations. It seems to offer autonomy for everyone. There is something almost delightful in the buoyant detachment from reality of advertisements showing mass-produced cars, almost all impossible for any but obsessives to tell apart, marketed as symbols of individuality and of freedom when most of their lives will be spent making short journeys on choked roads.
Question 2
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
Despite the liberal component of the word neoliberal, few would recognize much of it that is associated conventionally with liberalism, such that the economist Oliver Hartwich recently designated neoliberalism a “political swearword.” Today, neoliberal is used to refer to someone who bills themselves as a liberal but promotes ideas that actually inhibit individuals’ well-being. In the 1930s, the neo- in neoliberal meant “new.”
Question 3
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
Mass shootings leave limps, aches, sleepless nights; they inflict post-traumatic stress disorder; they are the cause of too many funerals. They fling some people across political divides and further entrench others in positions they held before. Many survivors and relatives of victims become advocates for gun-control measures, others for open-carry laws; some work to eradicate firearms from their communities, while others buy more to feel safe at home.
Question 4
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
Last year, bike sharing took off in China, with dozens of bike-share companies quickly flooding city streets with millions of brightly coloured rental bicycles. However, the rapid growth vastly outpaced immediate demand and overwhelmed Chinese cities, where infrastructure and regulations were not prepared to handle a sudden flood of millions of shared bicycles. Vast piles of impounded, abandoned, and broken bicycles have become a familiar sight in many big cities.
Question 5
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
The idea that in a market economy the pure pursuit of self-interest results in the optimal employment of society's economic resources is one of the ideological pillars of modernity. Yet, paradoxically, modern economics has failed to confirm Adam Smith's notion of an invisible hand. The concept of an uncoordinated, decentralized system tending towards a predetermined equilibrium may be appropriate for the physical sciences, where an environment that is independent of the actions of the individual elements can be assumed but not for social sciences.
Question 6
Direction: Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
I was hostile to my weird uncle who had just come back from America. He tried to force me to become a vet. I was firm and said, “I want to pursue literature.” First he just gaped then turning to my mother he asked if her daughter was crazy. He mentioned that I was going to break the family tradition. For generations our family profession had been the practice of medicine. I was good at keeping quiet so did not say anything. He was an absolute wizard with my Alsatian and later on I was touched to see his love for any animal. I realized his becoming a vet was a bliss for animals and the best way to serve society.
Question 7
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
In a way, globalization has contributed towards increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Rich and wealthy people are able to exercise more control over the national resources through the application of science and technology. Globalization increases the transfer of non-skilled and skilled jobs from developing nations to well developed countries as huge corporations seek for cheap labor. This economic trend can also increase the likelihood of economic disrupt in a single nations, which could affect all nations. Local businesses, hand-loom industry, cottage and small-scale industry suffer a lot due to globalization. The highly specialized and efficient multi-national companies take advantages of large-scale production and put products at throwaway prices. The local industries could not compete with their global counterpart. The global economy is now inter-connected. The economic downfall of one major economic nation adversely affects the entire global community.
Question 8
Direction: Read the given passage carefully. Choose the most appropriate option from the given alternatives which expresses the summary of the passage.
The supply-demand mismatch can be eased fundamentally by making organic production mainstream with location-specific hybrid production strategies. Specialised farmer training costs, higher processing and inventory holding costs, and increased packaging, logistics and distribution costs add to the price of end products. Nevertheless, investments in achieving operations excellence by companies will facilitate lowering the cost of organic food products. The absence of organic food products across all segments in the market is a concern. Consumers find little value buying limited organic products at a premium when rest of the foodstuff they consume is non-organic. Prospects are immense on the supply side as currently organically cultivated crop areas represent only a small fraction of the total acreage of these crops.
Question 9
Direction: Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
The ‘Make in India’ campaign seeks to make India a manufacturing hub for exports. The endeavour is central to creating mass employment opportunities, which in turn is pivotal to any effort to alleviate poverty. However, for the ‘Make in India’ dream to be realised, and ramped up to a scale where it can generate those jobs, manufacturers must have a stable and profitable market to sell their goods. Mere incentives for new investments will not create more jobs: they will only render old investments unviable. As the GDP growth and the decline in poverty are at most times moving in opposite directions, and the fact that the domestic market sentiments are currently depressed while the GDP growth rate is moving up, clearly tells us that we cannot have a domestic market-led employment generation to happen even if our GDP growth remains healthy, It has to be driven by export markets.
Question 10
Direction: Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
People have blamed the television for children throwing themselves off the roofs and risking their lives doing dangerous stunts in an attempt to copy superheroes and models in advertisements. Some even believe that brutality on television could be the direct cause for juvenile crime. Programs that show huge wrestlers fighting with each other to excite a screaming public and even seemingly innocuous cartoons like Tom and Jerry where they are seen constantly bashing each other send certain messages to children. Through such violent programs children get the idea that violence is a means to power. Children and are particularly vulnerable to the messages conveyed through television, which influence what they think and how they behave.
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