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Question 1
Find one-fifth of three-eighth of one-third of 11760.
Question 2
Find the unit digit of the product of all the odd numbers till 1999.
Question 3
If the difference between two numbers is 6 and the difference between their squares is 60, what is the sum of their cubes?
Question 4
The numerator of a fraction is 3 more than the denominator. When 5 is added to the numerator and 2 is subtracted from the denominator, the fraction becomes
. When the original fraction is divided by
, the fraction so obtained is:

Question 5
Evaluate the following: 5 – [96 ÷ 4 of 3 – (16 – 55 ÷ 5)]
Question 6
Find the unit digit of, (1!)99 + (2!)98 + (3!)97 + ………………+ (99!)1
Question 7
The middle term(s) of the following series 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 198 is
Question 8
= 0.2346, find the value of

Question 9
What percentage of the numbers from 101 to 1000 have 9 as the unit digit?
Question 10
What is the third proportional to 16 and 24?
- 3455 attempts
Feb 15SSC & Railway