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Number System : 05.04.2024

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Question 1

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 126. What is the product of the smallest and the largest numbers?

Question 2

Two mixers and one TV cost ₹500, while two TVs and one mixer cost ₹700. The cost of one TV is:

Question 3

Select the number that will come in place of the question mark (?) in the mathematical statement.

(0.064)123 ÷ 0.1647 × 0.434 × 0.429 = (0.4)?

Question 4

Find the length of a train, if it completely crosses two bridges of lengths 600 m and 300 m in 80 seconds and 60 seconds, respectively.

Question 5

Find the fourth proportional to 3, 5 and 15

Question 6

If the denominator of a rational number is of the form 2n5m, where n and m are non-negative integers, then what will be the decimal expansion of the number?

Question 7

Three consecutive integers when taken in increasing order and multiplied by 2, 3 and 4 respectively adds up to 74. What is the greatest number?

Question 8

The product of three consecutive odd numbers is 693. What is the smallest of the three numbers?

Question 9

If a, b, c are positive real numbers, what is the value of

Question 10

Which of the following numbers is NOT divisible by 36?
  • 1040 attempts
Apr 5SSC & Railway