Online Practice & Prepare for UGC NET & SET Exams

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Top Faculty
Sourabh Joneja
Sourabh JonejaQualified UGC NET (Management), 10+ yrs of Teaching experience, 9+ yrs of Corporate Experience, Teaches Management for UGC NET, Quantitative Aptitude, Marketing Management
Chandni Moolchandani
Chandni MoolchandaniTeaches IR, Polity & Governance5+ yrs of Teaching Experience , Mentored 50000+ students
Sheemal Bhagi
Sheemal BhagiQualified UGC NET Twice, 5+ years of teaching Experience, Mentored 10,000+ StudentsUGC NET Paper 1 Faculty
Aakanksha Saxena
Aakanksha Saxena3+ Years of Teaching Experience Mentored 5,000 + Students Qualified UGC NET (Hindi Literature))Hindi Literature
Madhav Arora
Madhav AroraESI, FM & GA Expert10+ Years of Teaching Experience | Cleared IBPS PO, IBPS RRB PO, RBI Gr-B (Ph-2)
Abhishek Tripathi
Abhishek Tripathi8+ Years of Experience as a faculty of Quant, Reasoning and ComputerQuant, Reasoning and Computer Expert with 99.43%ile in CAT.
Masroor Akhtar
Masroor AkhtarNTA NET (Education) QualifiedB.Sc. B.Ed. M.Ed. M.Sc. Ph.d. (Education) Pursuing
Nikita Gandotra
Nikita Gandotra4+ Years of Teaching Experience Assistant Prof (Manav Rachna University) Mentored 5000+ StudentsB.A., M.A., B.Ed., PhD UGC NET Qualified (2019)
Dr. Upasana Borthakur
Dr. Upasana Borthakur6+ years of teaching experience | Qualified UGC NET in Sociology (4 times)| Completed Master's in Sociology from Delhi University | Mentored 10,000+ students | Completed PhDSociology
Alok Bajpai
Alok Bajpai9+ years of teaching experience, Qualified UGC NET History, Mentored 50000+ studentsHistory
Student Rating & Reviews
4.61B+ reviews
Priyal S Shah
Priyal S ShahCommerce - 99.95 percentile
Preparing with BYJU'S Exam Prep's top faculty helped me immensely in my performance. The content provided was also very close to the questions asked in the exam.
Mayukh Mazumdar
Mayukh MazumdarEducation - 99.99 percentile
BYJU'S Exam Prep has been an absolute game-changer for me! The online test series here is very extensive & useful. It provided me with a detailed analysis of my performance that further enhanced my preparation & allowed me to strengthen my weaker areas.
Sandeep Bodh
Sandeep Bodh99.98 percentile
BYJU'S Exam Prep helped me clear the UGC NET examination with 99.98 percentile. I would like to thank the top faculty here who always motivated me, and the entire team of BYJU’S Exam Prep for providing me with high-quality content, online classes, mock tests, quizzes & interactive sessions.
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty99.41 percentile
I liked the test series of BYJU'S Exam Prep which included section-wise and complete syllabus-wise tests for both paper 1 & 2. The app was also user friendly and helped me save important questions for future references.
Priyal S Shah
Priyal S ShahCommerce - 99.95 percentile
Preparing with BYJU'S Exam Prep's top faculty helped me immensely in my performance. The content provided was also very close to the questions asked in the exam.
Mayukh Mazumdar
Mayukh MazumdarEducation - 99.99 percentile
BYJU'S Exam Prep has been an absolute game-changer for me! The online test series here is very extensive & useful. It provided me with a detailed analysis of my performance that further enhanced my preparation & allowed me to strengthen my weaker areas.
Sandeep Bodh
Sandeep Bodh99.98 percentile
BYJU'S Exam Prep helped me clear the UGC NET examination with 99.98 percentile. I would like to thank the top faculty here who always motivated me, and the entire team of BYJU’S Exam Prep for providing me with high-quality content, online classes, mock tests, quizzes & interactive sessions.
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty
Dibya Jyoti Mohanty99.41 percentile
I liked the test series of BYJU'S Exam Prep which included section-wise and complete syllabus-wise tests for both paper 1 & 2. The app was also user friendly and helped me save important questions for future references.

To crack the UGC NET & SET Exam, you will need to solve as many questions as possible. It will prove to be an excellent asset for your preparations. So get ready to clear the UGC NET and SET Exams, Start Free Practice here at BYJU’S Exam Prep.  Daily Quizzes Daily Quizzes are the best way to perform well in exams. By attempting small quizzes daily, you learn many things, such as new concepts, and time management all in small chunks daily. So make sure to take the Daily Quizzes while preparing for the actual exam. Mock Tests The actual importance of the mock test is after trying. The best Test solution will help you analyze your area strongly and directly. After all the mock tests, you must work/improve before emerging for the next test. Complete statistics for your attempt help you know where more time should be passed and you have to help you know your knowledge.   Attempt the free UGC NET &SET Mock tests here.  Popular Previous Year Papers Previous year's papers for UGC NET are available at BYJU'S Exam Prep. One should try to solve at least 10 papers. The analysis of solved papers is quite crucial. This analysis will not only help students understand their weak areas but will also help them to identify the commonly asked questions/ topics, which can be studied accordingly. Daily GK  Current affairs in NET paper 1 are slightly different from other examinations as in these exams the area covered for this topic is very vast. Here, the nature of questions will be based on higher education, environment, ICT, and government schemes related to them, etc. You can read weekly current affairs curated from this exam’s point of view here at BYJU’S Exam Prep.

UGC NET & SET Online Coaching FAQ's
  • Are Mock tests helpful in UGC NET 2022 Preparation?

    Yes, Practicing Mock Tests are very important for UGC NET preparation as they will prepare you for the actual exam’s questions, difficulty level, etc

  • What is Daily GK in BYJU’S Exam Prep?

    As we know, the Current affairs in UGC NET paper 1 are slightly different. Here, the nature of questions will be based on higher education, environment, ICT, and government schemes related to them, etc. BYJU’S Exam Prep provides GK facts on a daily basis to get you prepared for the exam.

  • Can we prepare both UGC NET and SET from the same mock test series?

    Yes, the UGC NET and SET syllabus are almost the same. The level of SET examinations is a little easy than UGC NET. So, if you prepare for UGC NET you are already prepared for SET Examinations too.

  • Are Previous Year Papers Important for UGC NET & SET Exams?

    Yes, Solving Previous Year Papers plays a vital role in cracking UGC NET & SET Examinations. You get an idea of what type of questions to expect from the exam and you will be prepared for the actual examination.

  • How are Daily Quizzes helpful in UGC NET 2022 Preparation?

    BYJU’S Exam Prep’s Daily Quizzes make you practice a small chunk of the syllabus every day without taking much time. If you keep attempting the Daily Quiz, it will help you retain the questions for the examination.