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MPTET P1 (Sanskrit and Hindi) Mini Mock 2023 : 24

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Question 1

कक्षा में बहुभाषिकता एक रणनीति के रूप में प्रयुक्त करने से क्या तात्पर्य है?

Question 2

भक्ति आन्दोलन के प्रथम पुरस्कर्ता कौन थे?

Question 3

सुमेलित कीजिए :

() कृपादृष्टि हो जाए तो बन जाएँ सब कामा (i) दुष्कमत्व दोष

() लपटी पुष्प पराग रज, सनी स्वेद मकरंदा (ii) अक्रमत्व दोष

() विश्व में मिलते नहीं हैं, वीर भीम समान के। (iii) अधिकपदत्व दोष

() नृप मो को हय दीजिये, अथवा मत्त गजेन्द्र। (iv) न्यूनपदत्व दोष

कूट :

() () () ()

Question 4

उपचारात्मकशिक्षणस्य उद्देश्यमस्ति -

Question 5

योगात्मकस्य (Summative) आकलनस्य मुख्यम् उद्देश्यं किम् अस्ति?

Question 6

एकः शिक्षकः अवलोकयति यत् तदूकक्षायां एकः शिशुः पठने, भाषा अवबोधने काठिन्यं अनुभवति एतत् लक्षणं भूयात्

Question 7

Which of the following statements is correct regarding teaching-learning of mathematics?

Question 8

The distance between Seema and Siraj’s houses is 666.66 metres. Which statement about the values of the digits in the distance, in metres, between their houses is true?

Question 9

If , then x2 is equal to?

Question 10

A student is unable to pay attention in class, becomes distracted easily, can't sit in the assigned seat, fidgets and loses things. These characteristics are indicative of

Question 11

Which of the following characterizes “repetitive and ritualistic behaviour”?

Question 12

Which of the following will help inclusion of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Question 13

If a person travels by shortest route from Mumbai (Maharashtra) to Chandigarh (A union territory of India) by train, the state which the train is not likely to come is:

Question 14

 Select correct statement from the following about Bronze.

Question 15

The name of a particular species of birds whose male bird makes many beautiful nests and the female bird selects one nest to lay her eggs is
  • 182 attempts
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