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MPTET P1 Mini Mock : 16.09.2021

Attempt now to get your rank among 1372 students!

Question 1

To promote education among backward minorities Article 350A states__

Question 2

What kind of personality traits can be seen in a child gifted with scientific approach ?

Question 3

Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
“Creativity is the capacity of a person to produce compositions, products or ideas which are essentially new or novel and previously unknown to the producer”. Who is the speaker?

Question 4

निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए गघांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर वाले विकल्प को चुनिए :

धर्म आपसी सद्भाव एवं एकता का प्रतीक है क्योंकि किसी धर्म विशेष को मानने वाले लोग एक ही प्रकार की जीवन पद्धति का पालन करते हैं। धर्म या मजहब अपने अनुयायिओं को एकता के सूत्र में पिरोकर रखने का कार्य भी करता है। अनेकता में एकता का सर्वोत्तम उदाहरण पेश करते हुए भारत के प्रसिद्ध कवी मोहम्मद इकबाल की लिखी पंक्तियां “मजहब नहीं सिखाता आपस में बैर रखना” अर्थात् दुनिया का हर धर्म आपस में एकता का पाठ पढ़ाते हैं, आज भी उतनी ही प्रासंगिक है। जब-जब किसी भी विदेशी ताकतों ने भारत पर आक्रमण किया है उसने धर्म के बजाए समाज मे साम्प्रदायिक की भावनाओं को पनपाकर राष्ट्रीय एकता को खंडित करने का प्रयास किया है। धार्मिक एकता को विखंडित करने के बाद ही वे भारत पर कब्जा करने में कामयाब हो पाए। अंग्रेजों ने भी यही किया और 200 वर्षों तक भारत पर शासन किया। हम निश्चित रूप से इतने वर्षों की गुलामी से बच जाते अगर हमने साम्प्रदायिकता की भावनाओं पर अंकुश लगाते हुए, सर्वधर्म समभाव एवं धर्म की मूल भावना को सही अर्थों में समझा और अपनाया होता। स्वामी विवेकानंद के अनुसार धर्म लोगों को संगठित करने का कार्य करता है और भाईचारे की भावना के साथ समाज को समग्र विकास के पथ पर अग्रसर करता है। सामाजिक एकता को बढ़ाना विश्व के सभी धर्मों की स्थापना का मूल उद्देश्य है। महात्मा बुद्ध ने भी धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि, संघम शरणं गच्छामि का संदेश दिया। अर्थात् उन्होंने धर्म के शरण में और इस प्रकार संघ के शरण में अर्थात संगठित होने का आह्वान किया जो कि आपसी एकता एवं भाईचारे का परिचायक है। धर्म का उद्देश्य अपने अनुयायियों को जीवन जीने के लिए जरूरी सभी गुणों से परिपूर्ण करते हुए एक ऐसा आधार प्रदान करना है जिससे वे एकता की भावना से संगठित होकर समाज की भलाई के लिए कार्य कर सकें। इन संदेशों का सार यह है कि हर मजहब या धर्म एकता का ही पाठ पढ़ाते हैं।

धर्म विशेष को मानने वाले लोग किस प्रकार की जीवन पद्धति का पालन करते हैं?

Question 5

भाषा शिक्षण में ‘बहुमुखी प्रयास’ का अभिप्राय है।

Question 6

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.
Husky was an unhappy puppy. His brothers and sisters had long, curly tails. But he had a very short one. It was so small, you could hardly see it. Now, his brothers and sisters could make their tails stand up straight and stiff when they were angry. They could wag them when they were happy. They could hide them between their legs when they were unhappy. They could even run around in circles, chasing their own tails! But not Husky; he was so unhappy about his tail that one day, he decided to leave home.
He ran far away, as fast as his legs could carry him. At last, he stopped in front of a meat – shop in a busy market. Husky’s mouth waters and his nose twitched. He was very hungry! But the meat – shop owner chased him away. Husky felt sad and alone. Then, an old dog slowly came over to where Husky sat. ‘You’re new here, aren’t you?’ he asked. ‘Yes’, answered Husky. ‘If you want something, you should look sadly at people. Then, when they look at you, you have to wag your tail as hard as you can. Like this…,’ said the old dog and he wagged his tail. Husky stayed silent and looked down.
The dog asked Husky about the matter that he was sad. Husky said that his tail is too small to wag. The dog replied that there is nothing wrong with the tail and wags come from dog’s heart. When a dog is happy he can wag his tail. The old dog told Husky to think of something that will make him happy. Husky said he would like one of those juicy bones over there. He stared at the bones in the meat – shop and slowly his tail began to wag.
At first it was hardly a wag but as he thought more about the bone, the wag become stronger and stronger. So, Husky wagged his small tail at the meat – shop owner. He was afraid the men would get angry. He was afraid that his tail would stop wagging. But Husky wagged his tail with all his heart. Suddenly, a fat juicy bone came whizzing through the air. He jumped and caught it. Then he dropped it at the feet of the old dog. He proudly said that he can get another one.
Husky was unhappy because _______

Question 7

Which of the following is incorrect regarding reading?

Question 8

The value of m such thatis

Question 9

_________ is the highest level of thinking and reasoning reached by the child in the development of geometrical learning.

Question 10

Which of the following is not a point source of water pollution?

Question 11

Which one of the shelter is suitable for protection against flooding?

Question 12

निर्देश: निम्नलिखितान् श्लोकान् पठित्वा उत्तराणि लिखत

काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम्

व्यसनेन मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ।।1।।

लोभात् क्रोध: प्रभवति लोभात् कामः प्रजायते

लोभात् मोहश्च नाशश्च लोभ: पापस्य कारणम् ।।2।।

कश्चित् कस्यचिन्मित्रं कश्चित् कस्यचिद्रिपु:

व्यवहारेण मित्राणि जायन्ते रिपवस्तथा ।।3।।

त्यजेदेकं कुलस्यार्थे ग्रामस्यार्थे कुलं त्यजेत्

ग्रामं जनपदस्यार्थे स्वात्मार्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ।।4।।

धीमतां काल: येन गच्छति --

Question 13

स्पर्श व्यंजन के उदहारण हैं।

Question 14

If diameter of a circle is 40.5 cm, then the radius is:

Question 15

The planet known as the ‘Earth’s Twin’ is:
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