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Mission ISRO-2017 Day 13: MiniMock -2 (All Subject)

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Question 1

Suppose there are eleven items in the sorted order in an array. How many searches are required on the average, if binary search is employed and all searches are successful in finding the item?

Question 2

If one uses straight two – way merge sort algorithm to sort the following elements in ascending order : 20, 47,15,8, 9, 4, 40, 30, 12, 17, then the order of these elements after second pass of the algorithms is

Question 3

Recursive descent parsing is an example of

Question 4

The message 11001001 is to be transmitted using the CRC polynomial x3+1 to protect it from errors. The message that should be transmitted is:

Question 5

Consider the terms, Match the following with respect to their definations

Question 6

Consider the term “RET instruction” & choose which statement is not correct

Question 7

Which statement is/are true?
I)Value of a class's member variable can be copied to member variable of other different class.
Ii) strlen function has pointer as argument .
iii) Array is shrinkable .

Question 8

Consider the polynomial p(x) = a0+ a1x + a2x2 + a3x3, where aiDescription: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2009_files\image018.png0, Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2009_files\image019.pngi. The minimum number of multiplications needed to evaluate p on an input x is

Question 9

What is the output of this C code?

void main()
    int k=5;
    int *p=&k;
    int **m=&p;
    printf("%d %d %d",k,*p,**m);

Question 10

Consider the following schema:
Emp (Empcode, Name, Sex, Salary, Deptt)
A simple SQL query is executed as follows:
WHERE sex =’M’
GROUP by Dept
Having avg (Salary) >{select avg (Salary)from Emp}
The output will be

Question 11

Consider the following Relationship Entity Diagram(ERP)

Which of the following possible relations will not hold if the above ERD is mapped into a relation model?

Question 12

If half adders and full adders are implement using gates, then for the addition of two 17 bit numbers (using minimum gates) the number of half adders and full adders required will be

Question 13

Consider the following gate network

Which one of the following gates is redundant?

Question 14

One approach to handling fuzzy logic data might be to design a computer using ternary (base-3) logic so that data could be stored as “true,” “false,” and “unknown.” If each ternary logic element is called a flit, how many flits are required to represent at least 256 different values?

Question 15

Identify the correct translation into logical notation of the following assertion. Some boys in the class are taller than all t he girls. (Note: taller(x,y) is true if x is taller than y).

Question 16

The Guass-Seidal iterative method can be used to solve which of the following sets?

Question 17

What is the matrix transformation which takes the independent vectors Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO_CS_2013_files\image005.pngandDescription: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO_CS_2013_files\image006.pngand transforms them to Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO_CS_2013_files\image007.pngand Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO_CS_2013_files\image008.pngrespectively?

Question 18

At a particular time of computation the value of a counting semaphore is 7. Then 20 P operations and 15 V operations were completed on this semaphore. The resulting value of the semaphore is. 

Question 19

Consider a system where each file is associated with a 16-bit number. For each file, each user should have the read and write capability. How much memory is needed to store each user's access data?

Question 20

Which of the following compression algorithms is used to generate a .png file?

Question 21

If in a software project the number of user input, user output, enquiries files and external interfaces are (15,50,24,12,8) respectively, with complexity averge weighing factor. The productivity if effort = 70 person-month is

Question 22

The following Finite Automation recognizes which language?
Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2014_files\image017.png

Question 23

Consider the following grammar.
S Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2014_files\image001.pngAB
A Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2014_files\image001.pnga
A Description: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2014_files\image001.pngBaB
BDescription: E:\Gate\isro-cs\ISRO-CS-2014_files\image001.pngbbA
Which of the following statements is false?

Question 24

The number of states required by a Finite State Machine, to simulate the behavior of a computer with a memory capable of storing 'm' words, with each word being 'n' bits long is

Question 25

Which of the following is true?
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