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Question 1
In a code language, if MOTHER is written as 2630408518, then how will GAMING be written in the same language?
Question 2
In a certain code language, ‘ONE’ is coded as ’15-28-15’ and ‘TWO’ is coded as ’20-46-45’. How will ‘SIX’ be coded in that language.
Question 3
In a certain code, ‘AXIS’ is written as ‘EXMS’. How is ‘OPTICAL’ is written in that code?
Question 4
If in a certain code, QUARANTINE is written as BSBVRFOJUO, How will VENTELATOR be written in that language?
Question 5
In a certain code language ‘SHIRT’ is written as ‘WWPQD’. How will ‘DRESS’ be written in that code?
Question 6
Select the correct mirror image of the given when the mirror is placed at the right side.
Question 7
Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at ‘PQ’ is shown.
Question 8
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at the right side.
Question 9
Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror: is placed at the right side.
Question 10
If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?

Question 11
'U + W' means 'U is the father of W';
'U - W' means 'U is the wife of W';
'U x W' means 'U is the brother of W'; and
'U÷ W' means 'U is the daughter of W'.
If 'K ÷L + M + N', then how is K related to N?
Question 12
Shraddha says to Sharayu. “Your mother –in-law is my father’s mother who is eldest son, but your husband is not my father.” How is Sharayu related to Shraddha?
Question 13
A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C ?
Question 14
D said, “A’s mother is the only sister of my brother’s son.” How is A’s mother related to D?
Question 15
A + B means ‘A is brother of B’
A – B means ‘A is daughter of B’
A × B means ‘A is husband of B’
A ÷ B means ‘A is son of B’
If J + R ÷ T × K – Z, then how is K related to J?
A – B means ‘A is daughter of B’
A × B means ‘A is husband of B’
A ÷ B means ‘A is son of B’
If J + R ÷ T × K – Z, then how is K related to J?
Question 16
Sumit and Rohan started a business by investing the amount in the ratio 7 : 9. After 10 months Rohan leaves the business withdrawing his investment. In the first-year business made a profit of Rs. 23142. Find the share of Rohan in this profit.
Question 17
Amit is an active and Vimal is a sleeping partner in a business. Amit invests is Rs. 10,000 and Vimal invests Rs. 15000 . Amit receives 10% profit for managing, the rest being divide in proportion to their capitals. Out of the total profit of Rs. 5000 the money receive by Amit is-
Question 18
In a partnership business, B’s capitals was one third of A’s. If after 8 months, B withdrew one third of his capital and after two more months, A withdrew half of his capital. What is the profit ratio of A and B?
Question 19
A, B and C invest in a business in the ratio 4 : 5 : 7. C is a sleeping partner, so his share of profits will be half of what it would have been if he were a working partner. If they make Rs 36,000 profit of which 25% is reinvested in the business, how much does B get (in Rs)?
Question 20
A, B and C invested capital in the ratio 5 : 7 : 4, the timing of their investments being in the ratio x : y : z. If their profits are distributed in the ratio 45 : 42 : 28, then x : y : z = ?
Question 21
A and B together can complete a certain work in 20 days whereas B and C together can complete it in 24 days. If A is twice as good a workman as C, then in what time will B alone do 40% of the same work?
Question 22
A job can be completed by 10 men and 5 women in 4 days. If a job is started by 4 men and 5 woman and after every 5 days, 2 men left and 5 women join that job, then in how many days the work will be completed; if a man is 2 times more efficient than a woman.
Question 23
12 boys can complete a work in 4 days while 15 girls can complete the same work in 4 days. 6 boys start working on the job and after working for 2 days, all of them left. How many girls should be put on the job to complete the remaining work in 3 days.
Question 24
A and B can complete a work in 15 days while B and C can complete the same work in 12 days. If A, B and C together can complete the work in 10 days, then find the time taken by B to complete 3/4th of the work.
Question 25
If 3 men or 4 women can reap a field in 43 days. how long will 7 men and 5 women take to reap it?
Question 26
To do a certain work, efficiencies of A and B are in the ratio 7 : 5. Working together, they can complete the work in 17
days. In how many days, will B alone complete 50% of the same work?

Question 27
Working for 9 hours a day, X can finish a task in 3 days, Y can finish three times of the same task in 8 days, and Z can finish five times of the same task in 12 days. Working together, in how many hours will they complete the task?
Question 28
Two persons A and B can complete a task in 10 days and 15 days, respectively. They work together and A leaves 5 days before the task is completed. After that, B alone completes the remaining task. The number of days taken to complete the whole task is:
Question 29
A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days. A alone can do it in 18 days. In how many days B alone can do the work?
Question 30
A and B can together finish a work in 20 days. They worked together for 10 days and then A left the work. B finished the remaining work in 20 days. In how many days A alone can finish the job?
- 78 attempts
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Other State PSCGeneralFeb 16Other State PSC