Mini Mock || CAT 2023
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Question 1
The intensity of competition has steadily increased since the entry of Reliance Jio, founded by the deep-pocketed billionaire Mukesh Ambani.
A) But this scale that they gain would ultimately count for little if the combine fails to staunch customer losses, and do that without compromising on the business’s viability.
B) With about 430 million subscribers, Vodafone Idea would vault past Bharti Airtel’s current India customer base of about 345 million to the top of the heap.
C) This has left the incumbents battling furiously to protect their turf with tariff reductions to match the newcomer’s ‘no prisoners’ approach to pricing of its voice and data services.
D) The managements of Vodafone and Idea have repeatedly underscored the competitive challenges facing them, with both operators losing customers and the latter awash in red ink.
Question 2
The Supreme Court is currently hearing oral arguments in Indian Young Lawyers Association v. the State of Kerala, in which rules that bar the entry of women aged between 10 and 50 years into the Sabarimala temple in Kerala have been called into question.
A) At a purely unreflecting level, the case might well appear to us to be an easy one to resolve.
B) To prohibit women from entering a public space, from worshipping in a shrine of their choice, one would think, ought to be anathema to the tenets of a constitutional democracy.
C) Generally, the right to freedom of religion of both individuals and groups is recognised as an intrinsic facet of a liberal democracy.
D) But, as a study of the rival contentions made before the five-judge Bench that heard arguments shows us, the religious freedom clauses in the Constitution are possessed of a special complexity, which the court’s own past jurisprudence has turned into a quagmire of contradictions.
Question 3
Transcendentalism is an American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century, centred around Ralph Waldo Emerson.
A) Emerson and Thoreau sought this relation in solitude amidst nature, and in their writing.
B) They were critics of their contemporary society for its unthinking conformity, and urged that each person find, in Emerson's words, “an original relation to the universe.”
C) By the 1840s they, along with other transcendentalists, were engaged in the social experiments of Brook Farm, Fruitlands, and Walden; and, by the 1850s in an increasingly urgent critique of American slavery.
D) Stimulated by English and German Romanticism, the Biblical criticism of Herder and Schleiermacher, and the scepticism of Hume, the transcendentalists operated with the sense that a new era was at hand.
Question 4
Among the ideas in the draft policy is a sunset clause on discounts that can be offered by e-commerce firms and restrictions on sellers backed by marketplace operators.
A) Foreign direct investment restrictions on players who can hold their own inventory are sought to be lifted.
B) The aim may be to prevent large players from pricing out the competition through unfair practices, but taken too far such licensing and price controls can depress the sector.
C) To give the government a say on who can offer how much discount and for how long, instead of letting consumers exercise informed choices, would be a regressive step for the economy.
D) But there must be a majority Indian partner and all products have to be made in India.
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Direction: Read the instructions given below and answer the questions that follow:
Twelve players seated around a circular table on chairs that are numbered from 1 to 12 are playing a game of dice. The possible scores of 1 to 6 are categorised. In any throw of a die, a score of 1 or 2 is considered low, a score of 3 or 4 is considered moderate, and a score of 5 or 6 is considered to be high.
The numbers of players getting low, moderate, and high scores are 5, 4, and 3, respectively.
The following information is also known:
1) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as either perfect squares or perfect cubes do not get high scores and only one of these players who is seated on a chair that is numbered between two prime numbers gets a low score.
2) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers do not get a moderate score.
3) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as multiples of 4 do not get high scores.
4) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as prime numbers do not get high scores.
5) Among the players seated on seats numbered 3 and 7, neither gets a moderate score, and their scores fall under different categories.
6) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers, but are not multiples of 4, do not get a moderate score.
1-The player seated on a seat numbered as 5 gets a high score.
2-The player seated on a seat numbered as 11 gets a moderate score.
3-Three players seated on chairs numbered as odd numbers get a moderate score.
4-At least three players seated on chairs numbered as odd numbers get a low score.
Question 10
Direction: Read the instructions given below and answer the questions that follow:
Twelve players seated around a circular table on chairs that are numbered from 1 to 12 are playing a game of dice. The possible scores of 1 to 6 are categorised. In any throw of a die, a score of 1 or 2 is considered low, a score of 3 or 4 is considered moderate, and a score of 5 or 6 is considered to be high.
The numbers of players getting low, moderate, and high scores are 5, 4, and 3, respectively.
The following information is also known:
1) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as either perfect squares or perfect cubes do not get high scores and only one of these players who is seated on a chair that is numbered between two prime numbers gets a low score.
2) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers do not get a moderate score.
3) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as multiples of 4 do not get high scores.
4) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as prime numbers do not get high scores.
5) Among the players seated on seats numbered 3 and 7, neither gets a moderate score, and their scores fall under different categories.
6) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers, but are not multiples of 4, do not get a moderate score.
Question 11
Direction: Read the instructions given below and answer the questions that follow:
Twelve players seated around a circular table on chairs that are numbered from 1 to 12 are playing a game of dice. The possible scores of 1 to 6 are categorised. In any throw of a die, a score of 1 or 2 is considered low, a score of 3 or 4 is considered moderate, and a score of 5 or 6 is considered to be high.
The numbers of players getting low, moderate, and high scores are 5, 4, and 3, respectively.
The following information is also known:
1) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as either perfect squares or perfect cubes do not get high scores and only one of these players who is seated on a chair that is numbered between two prime numbers gets a low score.
2) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers do not get a moderate score.
3) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as multiples of 4 do not get high scores.
4) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as prime numbers do not get high scores.
5) Among the players seated on seats numbered 3 and 7, neither gets a moderate score, and their scores fall under different categories.
6) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers, but are not multiples of 4, do not get a moderate score.
Question 12
Direction: Read the instructions given below and answer the questions that follow:
Twelve players seated around a circular table on chairs that are numbered from 1 to 12 are playing a game of dice. The possible scores of 1 to 6 are categorised. In any throw of a die, a score of 1 or 2 is considered low, a score of 3 or 4 is considered moderate, and a score of 5 or 6 is considered to be high.
The numbers of players getting low, moderate, and high scores are 5, 4, and 3, respectively.
The following information is also known:
1) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as either perfect squares or perfect cubes do not get high scores and only one of these players who is seated on a chair that is numbered between two prime numbers gets a low score.
2) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers do not get a moderate score.
3) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as multiples of 4 do not get high scores.
4) Other than one player, all other players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as prime numbers do not get high scores.
5) Among the players seated on seats numbered 3 and 7, neither gets a moderate score, and their scores fall under different categories.
6) The players who are seated on chairs that are numbered as even numbers, but are not multiples of 4, do not get a moderate score.
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15

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