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Mega Quant revision Quiz- Score 10/10

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Question 1

A man can row to a place 66 km downstream and then comes back in  hours. If he can row the boat downstream at a speed of 6 km/hr, then what will be the speed of the boat in still water?

Question 2

A man takes thrice as long to row a distance against the stream as to row the same distance in favour of stream. Find the ratio of speed of boat in still water to the speed of the stream.

Question 3

A boatman goes 2.25 km downstream in 7 minutes and 19 km upstream in 2.5 hours. How long the boatman will take to go 192 km in still water?

Question 4

Direction: Each question is followed by two statements I and II. You have to study the question and decide whether the information given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Read all the statements carefully and seek all the possible combinations which could be sufficient for answering the question.

How much profit did Anand make by selling a bed?

Statement I: He bought the bed with 40% discount on the labelled price.

Statement II: He sold it with 20% profit on the labelled price.

Question 5

Direction: Each question is followed by three statements I, II, III. You have to study the question and decide whether the information given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Read all the statements carefully and seek all the possible combinations which could be sufficient for answering the question.

What is the monthly income of Mr. Taneja?

Statement I: Monthly expenditure of Mr Taneja is Rs. 28000

Statement II: Mr. Taneja deposits 50% of his income in PPF and his expenditure on food is Rs. 8000

Statement III: Mr. Taneja saves 20% of his salary

Question 6

Direction: Each question is followed by three statements I, II, III. You have to study the question and decide whether the information given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Read all the statements carefully and seek all the possible combinations which could be sufficient for answering the question.

A, B and C together start a business with a total investment of Rs. 15000. At the end of the year, the total profit is Rs. 3000. What is A’s share in the profit if all three persons invest for 1 year?

Statement I: A’s contribution is 3/2 times B’s

Statement II: B’s contribution is twice that of C

Statement III: A’s contribution is thrice that of C

Question 7

Direction: Each question is followed by two statements I and II. You have to study the question and decide whether the information given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Read all the statements carefully and seek all the possible combinations which could be sufficient for answering the question.

A and B together can complete a task in 7 days. B alone can do it in 20 days. What part of the work was carried out by A?

Statement I: A completed the job alone after A and B worked together for 5 days.

Statement II: Part of the work done by A could have been done by B and C together in 6 days.

Question 8

Direction: In the following question two Quantities i.e., Quantity I and Quantity II are given. You have to determine the relation between Quantity I and Quantity II.
Quantity I: Time taken by car B to reach point X from point Y.

Two cars A and B leave at the same time from points X and Y respectively for points Y and X respectively. They meet at point Z. After meeting, car A took 6 hours to reach point Y and car B took 24 hours to reach point X.

Quantity II: 32 hours

Question 9

Direction: In the following question two Quantities i.e., Quantity I and Quantity II are given. You have to determine the relation between Quantity I and Quantity II.
Quantity I: Time in which 16 women would be able to complete  of the work.

10 men can complete a work in 12 days. Efficiency of a woman is half the efficiency of a man.

Quantity II: Time taken by 12 children to complete a work.

The efficiency of a child is less than the efficiency of a woman. 10 women complete a work in 11 days.

Question 10

Direction: In the following question two Quantities i.e., Quantity I and Quantity II are given. You have to determine the relation between Quantity I and Quantity II.
Quantity I: Speed of train in km/hr if its length is 180 m and it passes a pole in 20 seconds.

Quantity II:
Usual speed of car in km/hr. If Amit drove a car at a speed of 10 km/hr less than usual, he took 30 mins more than usual to reach office. Amit usually took 2 hours to reach his office.

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Nov 26PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance