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Question 1
In the following figure, the rectangle represents Floral designers, the triangle represents Sculptors and square represents American Which set of letters represents Americans who are either Floral or Sculptors?

Question 2
Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.
Chlorine, Boron, Lithium
Chlorine, Boron, Lithium
Question 3
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Rats, Frogs, Snakes
Rats, Frogs, Snakes
Question 4
The data of a company’s employees is shown by the given Venn diagram. The circle represents ‘engineers’, the triangle represents ‘computer experts’, the rectangle represents ’MBAs’ and the pentagon represents ‘females’. The numbers given in the diagram represent the number of persons of that particular category.
How many of the employees are MBAs, and how many male MBAs are computer experts but NOT engineers, respectively?
Question 5
In the given Venn diagram, the circle represents Builders, the triangle represents Dentists and the rectangle represents Economists. The number given in the diagram represents the number of persons in that particular category.
How many builders are neither dentist nor economists?
Question 6
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Moon, Venus, Universe
Question 7
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Women, Sister, Mother
Women, Sister, Mother
Question 8
In the given Venn diagram, the pentagon represents ‘Cricketers’, the square represents ‘Chess players’ and the circle represents ‘Clerks’. The numbers given in the diagram represents the number of person in that particular category.
How many cricketers are chess players but NOT clerks?
Question 9
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship among the following.
Ankle, Body, Heart
Ankle, Body, Heart
Question 10
In the following Venn Diagram, shows information about the person who has books, Pens and Pencils.
How many people who have all pens, pencils and books?
- 3478 attempts
Feb 23SSC & Railway