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Question 1
In an examination, Ramesh got 25 marks less than Rohit. Rohit got 45 marks more than Soni. Rohan got 75 marks which is 10 marks more than Soni. Ravindra's marks is 50 less than full marks. If Ravindra got 34 marks more than Ramesh then what is the approximate percentage of marks fetched by Ravindra?
Question 2
The distance between Jaipur & Udaipur, two cities of India, is 160 km. Arun & Javed started simultaneously from Udaipur to go to Jaipur & return to Udaipur. After 10 hours they meet at a place 20 Km. from Jaipur. If Arun is faster than Javed then approximately how much time did Arun take to reach Jaipur?
Question 3
A bakery bakes cake with the expectation that it will earn a profit of 40% by selling each cake at marked price. But during the delivery to showroom 16% of the cakes were completely damaged and hence could not be sold. 24% of the cakes were slightly damaged and hence could be sold at 80% of the cost price. The remaining 60% of the cakes were sold at marked price. What is the percentage profit in the whole consignment?
Question 4
The average age of a class of 80 boys is 15 years. The average age, of a group of 15 boys of the class, is 16 years and the average age of another group of 25 boys of the class is 14 years. What is the average age of the remaining 40 boys of the class?
Question 5
Three vessels have volume in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 7. These vessels are full of mixture of milk & water. First vessel has milk & water in the ratio of 3 : 2, second has milk & water in the ratio of 1 : 4 and third has milk & water in the ratio of 9 : 1. What will be the resultant ratio of milk & water if these liquids are poured in a big container?
Question 6
Direction: Study the following graph and answer the following questions.
Percentage spend on each category

Percentage spend on each category
Firm’s annual expenditure for each of the year

Of the following years, the year in which the firm spent the highest amount on supplies was?
Question 7
Direction: Study the following graph and answer the following questions.
Percentage spend on each category

Percentage spend on each category
Firm’s annual expenditure for each of the year

Of the following years, the one in which there was the highest amount of money spent on salaries is
Question 8
Direction: Study the following graph and answer the following questions.
Percentage spend on each category

Percentage spend on each category
Firm’s annual expenditure for each of the year

Of the firms expenditure on equipment in 1995, one-third was for the purchase of mail room equipments and the remainders for the miscellaneous office equipment. How much was spent on miscellaneous office equipment in 1995?
Question 9
Direction: Study the following graph and answer the following questions.
Percentage spend on each category

Percentage spend on each category
Firm’s annual expenditure for each of the year

Which are the years in which the percentage expenditure on salaries and equipment together is same?
Question 10
Direction: Study the following graph and answer the following questions.
Percentage spend on each category

Percentage spend on each category
Firm’s annual expenditure for each of the year

If there were 120 employees in the firm in 1994 then average annual salary to the employees in that year was approximately how much?
- 3664 attempts
May 7PO, Clerk, SO, Insurance