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Legal Knowledge Quiz II 08.02.2022

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Question 1

According to the 'India Justice Report 2020' announced on February 01, 2021, which of the following states has ranked the top in terms of Justice delivery in India ?

Question 2

The Delhi High Court has recently held that, which of the following designations cannot withhold information without reasonable cause and they also cannot function merely as "post offices" while dealing with information sought under the Right to Information Act ?

Question 3

Recently, which of the following Judicial bodies has refused to pass the interim injunction to restrain the Serum Institute of India from using 'COVISHIELD' name for COVID-19 vaccine ?

Question 4

In a significant judgment, which High Courts has recently held that the offences under Section 377 IPC and POCSO Act against small children cannot be settled by compromise ?

Question 5

Which of the following High Courts has recently held that widow convicted in a murder case is eligible for 'Family Pension' since the case doesn't relate to Husband's Death ?

Question 6

The Supreme Court has recently accepted the offer made by Nagaland Lok Ayukta __________, to resign from the post amid the ongoing dispute between him and the Nagaland Government.

A. Justice (Retired)

Question 7

Delhi High Court has recently dismissed a writ petition filed by an ex-officer of Delhi Higher Judicial Services (DHJS) who was dismissed from service after complaints of sexual harassment at workplace, filed by a female ahalmad of District Court, Dwarka, New Delhi. The High Court of Delhi initially exercised it's jurisdiction not only over the Union Territory of Delhi but also over which of the following states ?

Question 8

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) sometimes known as the World Court is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN). Who has been recently appointed as the President of ICJ ?

Question 9

Recently, the Bombay High Court held that, _____________ , cannot be exercised to transfer an officer disregarding the safeguards provided to him under the Regulation of Transfers and Prevention of Delay in Discharge of Official Duties Act, 2005 ?

Question 10

The Union Ministry for Road Transport and Highways has recently approved a ‘green tax’ on vehicles of specified vintage. Consider the following statements regarding ‘green tax’:

I. Vehicles of government departments and public sector units that are older than 15 years are to be deregistered and scrapped.

II. The policy is scheduled to come into force on April 1, 2021.

III. A higher additional 50% of road tax is proposed for vehicles in highly polluted cities, and differential tax based on fuel and vehicle type.

Which of the following statement/s is/are INCORRECT for the 'green tax' ?

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