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ISRO 2023 Quiz 40 Revision
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Question 1
A transistor is connected in CE configuration with VCC = 10V. The voltage drop across the 600Ω resistor in the collector circuit is 0.6 V. If α = 0.98, the base current is nearly.
Question 2
A speech signal is sampled at a rate of 16 kHz and encoded into a PCM format using 16 bits per sample. The PCM data is transmitted through an AWGN baseband channel via 4-Level PAM the bandwidth required for transmission is
Question 3
As shown in the figure, a negative feedback system has an amplifier of gain 200 with ±10% tolerance in the forward path, and an attenuator of value 9/200 in the feedback path. The overall system gain is approximately .
Question 4
A sequential circuit formed by two edge trigging JKflip-flop is shown in figure. if the states before the arrival of a clock edge are Q1 = 1, Q2 = 0, the state after the arrival of the clock edge are Q1 = _____,Q2 = _____.
Question 5
The transfer function Vo(s)/Vi(s) to the given electrical network shown in figure is given as
. The values of R1 and R2 are close to

- 52 attempts
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