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ISRO 2023 Quiz 45 Revision
Attempt now to get your rank among 68 students!
Question 1
Which one of the statement regarding BJT is NOT correct?
Question 2
Consider the signal

Choose the correct option for laplace transform of x(t)
Question 3
An electromagnetic wave propagating in free space is incident on the surface of a dielectric medium (μ0, 4ϵ0). If the magnitude of the electric field of incident wave is E0 then what will be the magnitude of the electric field of the reflected wave?
Question 4
12 message signals are multiplexed using TDM. Each sample is encoded with 10 bits. Speed of commutator is 6000 rotations per second. consider that synchronization requires 10% extra bit per each frame
Which of the following is/are correct for the above condition
1) Number of bits/frame = 120 bits
2) synchronization bits = 12
3) bit rate = 792 kbps
Which of the following is/are correct for the above condition
1) Number of bits/frame = 120 bits
2) synchronization bits = 12
3) bit rate = 792 kbps
Question 5
Padma Subrahmanyam is the exponent of which of the following Indian dance forms?
- 68 attempts
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