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Indus Valley Civilisation

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Question 1

Consider the following sites
1) Banawali
2) Bhimbetka
3) Alamgirpur
In which of the above sites the archeological remains of Harappan Civilization can be found?

Question 2

Consider the following statements about the Harappan Civilization:
1) The Harappan Civilization is found only in the Indus River delta
2) The Great Granary is found in Mohenjodaro.
3) Every city in the civilization had a Citadel (Higher city) and Settlements (Lower City)
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?

Question 3

Match the following Cities and their Archeological importance

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below

Question 4

Consider the following statements about Indus Valley Civilization
1) The cities developed in a haphazard manner with outgrowths
2) There existed a powerful monarchy
3) Feudal setup was also found in the Civilization
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 5

Consider the following statements about the Indus Valley Civilization:
1) The IVC ushered in the beginning of Iron age in India
2) Cotton was a major trade good and it was called as Sindon
3) Trade happened only through the land routes since the people had no access to sea routes
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 6

Which of the following animals can be seen in the Pashupathi Mahadev Seal?
1) Elephant
2) Lion
3) Tiger
4) Horse
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below

Question 7

Consider the following statements about the religious practices of the IVC:
1) Temple and idol worship was widely prevalent in the IVC
2) Phallu and Yoni worship was also common
Which of the above options are correct?

Question 8

Consider the following statements about the Harappan Script:
1) The Script was pictographic in nature
2) They are usually recorded on seals
3) The script was deciphered by James Princep
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 9

Consider the following statements about Harappan Civilization:
1) Richly developed stone masonry and stone works are found in the Civilization
2) Terracotta toys are found along with terracotta seals
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 10

Which of the following were port cities in the IVC?
1) Lothal
2) Rangpur
3) Chanhudaro
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below
  • 6167 attempts
Feb 4Other State PSC