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Indian Polity Quiz 09. 01. 2018

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Question 1

Consider the following statements:
1) Provisions of the Constitution of India do not apply to Jammu & Kashmir.
2) The President has no power to suspend the Constitution of the state.
3) The jurisdictions of the Election Commission and the comptroller and auditor general are applicable to the state.
Which of the above statements are correct:

Question 2

Consider the following statements regarding state legislature:
1) For a person to be chosen as a member of the state legislative council, his/her age must not be less than 35.
2) For a person to be chosen as a member of the state legislative assembly, his/her age must not be less than 30.
Which of the above options are correct:

Question 3

Consider the following statements regarding parliamentary forums:
1) The Speaker of Lok Sabha is the President of all the Forums except the Parliamentary Forum on Population and Public Health.
2) Each Forum consists of not more than 31 members out of whom not more than 21 are from the Lok Sabha and not more than 10 are from the Rajya Sabha.
3) The duration of the office of members of the forum is co-terminus with their membership in the respective Houses.

Which of the above options are correct:

Question 4

Which of the following statements are correct:
1) The Constitution of India vests the executive power of the Union formally in the Prime Minister.
2) The President exercises his powers on the advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.
3) The advice tendered by the Council of Ministers is binding on the president and president can not ask council of ministers to reconsider their advice.

Question 5

Consider the following statements regarding Commonwealth of Nations:
1) The Commonwealth of Nations consists of mostly former territories of the British Empire.
2) It was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949.
3) The member states of Commonwealth are dominion states of Britain.
4) India left the Commonwealth membership with independence in 1947.
Which of the above options are correct?

Question 6

Consider the following statements:
1). Directive Principles are the constitutional instructions to the State in legislative, executive and administrative matters.
2). The Directive Principles help the courts in examining and determining the constitutional validity of a law.
3). Directive Principles are legally non-enforceable because the country do not possess sufficient financial resources to implement them.
4). Directive Principles facilitate continuity in foreign policies in political, economic and social spheres.
Which of the above options are correct:
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