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Question 1
Consider the following statements regarding Parliamentary Committees:
1) The Constitution of India mentions the specific provisions regarding composition, tenure and functions of Parliamentary Committees.
2) The consultative committees are important parliamentary Committees.
3) Consultative committees are attached to various ministries/ departments of the Central Government.
Which of the above options are correct:
1) The Constitution of India mentions the specific provisions regarding composition, tenure and functions of Parliamentary Committees.
2) The consultative committees are important parliamentary Committees.
3) Consultative committees are attached to various ministries/ departments of the Central Government.
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 2
Consider the following statements regarding joint sitting of two houses:
1) The provision of joint sitting is provided by the Constitution to resolve a deadlock between the two Houses over the passage of a bill.
2) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha presides over a joint sitting of the two Houses in absence of Speaker of Lok Sabha.
3) The joint sitting is governed by the Rules of Procedure of Lok Sabha
Which of the above options are correct:
1) The provision of joint sitting is provided by the Constitution to resolve a deadlock between the two Houses over the passage of a bill.
2) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha presides over a joint sitting of the two Houses in absence of Speaker of Lok Sabha.
3) The joint sitting is governed by the Rules of Procedure of Lok Sabha
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 3
Consider the following statements regarding delimitation:
1) Delimitation commission of India is a non constitutional, non statutory body.
2) The orders of delimitation commission cannot be challenged in a court of law.
3) The 87th Amendment Act of 2003 provided for the delimitation of constituencies on the basis of 1991 census.
Which of the above options are correct:
1) Delimitation commission of India is a non constitutional, non statutory body.
2) The orders of delimitation commission cannot be challenged in a court of law.
3) The 87th Amendment Act of 2003 provided for the delimitation of constituencies on the basis of 1991 census.
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 4
Which of the following statements are correct:
1) In parliamentary system of government, president is the nominal head of the state.
2) In presidential system of government, president is not accountable to legislature.
1) In parliamentary system of government, president is the nominal head of the state.
2) In presidential system of government, president is not accountable to legislature.
Question 5
Consider the following statements regarding council of ministers:
1) The council of ministers are collectively responsible to the Parliament.
2) The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers can not exceed 15% of the total strength of the Parliament.
3) The ministers hold office during the pleasure of the President.
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 6
Consider the following statements regarding notified area committee:
1) A notified area committee is created for the administration of a fast developing town due to industrialisation.
2) It is established by an act of state government.
3) It is partially elected while partially nominated.
Which of the above options are correct:
1) A notified area committee is created for the administration of a fast developing town due to industrialisation.
2) It is established by an act of state government.
3) It is partially elected while partially nominated.
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 7
Consider the following statements regarding State Finance Commission:
1) State Finance Commission is appointed by Governor of respective state.
2) State Finance Commission is a constitutional body.
3) State Finance Commission consists of members appointed as per eligibility criteria mentioned in Constitution of India.
Which of the above options are correct:
1) State Finance Commission is appointed by Governor of respective state.
2) State Finance Commission is a constitutional body.
3) State Finance Commission consists of members appointed as per eligibility criteria mentioned in Constitution of India.
Which of the above options are correct:
Question 8
Which of the following statements are correct:
1) Self Respect movement was started by Periyar.
2) It was anti-Brahman movement.
3) The movement affirmed regional pride against the political, economic and cultural domination of the North.
1) Self Respect movement was started by Periyar.
2) It was anti-Brahman movement.
3) The movement affirmed regional pride against the political, economic and cultural domination of the North.
Question 9
Which of the following statements are correct:
1) Naxalite Movement emerged from Chhattisgarh.
2) One of the reasons of emergence of movement was failure of land reforms.
3) The movement was initiated by Communist Party of India.
1) Naxalite Movement emerged from Chhattisgarh.
2) One of the reasons of emergence of movement was failure of land reforms.
3) The movement was initiated by Communist Party of India.
Question 10
Which of the following statements are correct:
1) In Proportional Representation (PR) system, voters vote for the candidate.
2) In First Past the Post (FPTP) system, candidate who wins the elections gets the majority of votes.
3) In Proportional Representation (PR) system, the entire country may be a single constituency.
1) In Proportional Representation (PR) system, voters vote for the candidate.
2) In First Past the Post (FPTP) system, candidate who wins the elections gets the majority of votes.
3) In Proportional Representation (PR) system, the entire country may be a single constituency.
- 5075 attempts
Feb 12Other State PSC