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IDBI Executive/AM Mini Test: 27.04.2019

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Question 1

Direction: The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last line respectively.
1. The New Economic Policy comprises the various policy measures and changes introduced since July 1991.
A) There is a common thread running through all these measures.
B) The objective is simple to improve the efficiency of the system.
C) The regulator mechanism involving multitude of controls has fragmented the capacity and reduced competition even in the private sector.
D) The thrust of the new policy is towards creating a more competitive environment as a means to improving the productivity and efficiency of the economy.
6. This is to be achieved by removing the banners and restrictions on the entry and growth of firms.

Question 2

Direction: The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last line respectively.
1. Managers must lead by example; they should not be averse to giving a hand in manual work; if required.
A) They should also update their competence to guide their subordinates; this would be possible only if they keep in regular touch with new processes, machines, instruments, gauges, systems and gadgets.
B) Work must be allocated to different groups and team members in clear, specific terms.
C) Too much of wall-building is detrimental to the exercise of the 'personal charisma' of the leader whose presence should not be felt only through notices, circulars or memos, but by being seen physically.
D) Simple, clean living among one's people should be insisted upon.
6. This would mean the maintaining of an updated organization chart; laying down job descriptions; identifying key result areas; setting personal targets; and above all, monitoring of performance, to meet organizational goals.

Question 3

Direction: The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last line respectively.
1. It is significant that one of the most common objections to competition is that it is blind.
A) This is important because in a system of free enterprise based on private property chances are not equal and there is indeed a strong case for reducing the inequality of opportunity.
B) Rather it is a choice between a system where it is the will of few persons that decides who is to get what and one where it depends at least partly, on the ability and the enterprise of the people concerned.
C) Although competition and justice may have little else in common, it is as much a commendation of competition as of justice that it is no respecter of persons.
D) The choice today is not between a system in which everybody will get what he deserves according to some universal standard and one where individuals’ shares are determined by chance of goodwill.
6. The fact that opportunities open to the poor in a competitive society are much more restricted than those open to the rich, does not make it less true that in such a society the poor are more free than a person commanding much greater material comfort in a different type of society.

Question 4

Direction: The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last line respectively.
1. Commercial energy consumption shows an increasing trend and poses the major challenge for the future.
A) The demand, for petroleum, during 1996 – 97 and 2006 – 07 is anticipated to be 81 million tonnes and 125 million tonnes respectively.
B) According to the projections of the 14th Power Survey Committee Report, the electricity generation requirements from utilities will be about 416 billion units by 1996 – 97 and 825 billion units by 2006 – 07.
C) The production of coal should reach 303 million tonnes by 1996 – 97 to achieve Plan targets and 460 million tonnes by 2006 – 07.
D) The demand for petroleum products has already outstripped indigenous production.
6. Electricity is going to play a major role in the development of infrastructural facilities.

Question 5

Direction: The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last line respectively.
1. The necessity for regional integration in South Asia is underlined by the very history of the last 45 years since the liquidation of the British Empire in this part of the world.
A) After the partition of the Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan was formed in that very area which the imperial powers had always marked out as the potential base for operations against the Russian power in Central Asia.
B) Because of the disunity and ill-will among the South Asian neighbours, particular India and Pakistan, great powers from outside the area could meddle into their affairs and thereby keep neighbours apart.
C) It needs to be added that it was the bountiful supply of sophisticated arms that emboldened Pakistan to go for warlike bellicosity towards India.
D) As a part of the cold war strategy of the US, Pakistan was sucked into Washington’s military alliance spreading over the years.
6. Internally too, it was the massive induction of American arms into Pakistan which empowered the military junta of that country to stuff out the civilian government and destroy democracy in

Question 6

A mixture of 120 litre of milk and water contains 20% of water. How much water must be added to make the water 40% in the new mixture?

Question 7

Susmitto was married 6 years ago. The present age of Susmitto is (5/4) times of his age at the time of marriage. His brother was 4 years younger to him at the time of his marriage. What is the present age of his brother?

Question 8

Sandip can finish a work in the same time in which Suman and Palash together can finish the same work. Sandip and Suman together can finish the work in 16 days and Palash alone can finish the work in 40 days. In how many days, Suman alone can finish the work?

Question 9

A started a business with investing Rs. 8000 and after some months, B joined with investing Rs. 5000. At the end of one year, total profit was Rs. 4250 and share of A is Rs. 3000. After how many months did B join?

Question 10

The average speed of a bus was slowed down by 15km/hr for bad weather in the journey. As a result, the bus reached the destination by 20 minutes late. If the total distance was 450 km, find the normal time required to reach the destination.

Question 11

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below–

6 friends are A, B, C, D, E and F are like a different kind of Fast Food, Poha, Samosa, Burger, Pizza, Sandwich and Maggi, not necessarily in the same order. They study different subjects, Maths, Computer, English, Hindi, Science and History. They have come from different countries, India, England, US, China, Canada and Japan.
(a) The person who like Sandwich study Hindi.
(b) D does not like Burger and study Maths.
(c) E like Samosa and he does not study History, nor does he belong to India or US.
(d) D belongs to Canada and F and D both don’t like Poha and Pizza.
(e) F belongs to Japan and the one from US study English.
(f) C is from China and study Science, while A study Hindi.
Which fast food does B like?

Question 12

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below–

6 friends are A, B, C, D, E and F are like a different kind of Fast Food, Poha, Samosa, Burger, Pizza, Sandwich and Maggi, not necessarily in the same order. They study different subjects, Maths, Computer, English, Hindi, Science and History. They have come from different countries, India, England, US, China, Canada and Japan.
(a) The person who like Sandwich study Hindi.
(b) D does not like Burger and study Maths.
(c) E like Samosa and he does not study History, nor does he belong to India or US.
(d) D belongs to Canada and F and D both don’t like Poha and Pizza.
(e) F belongs to Japan and the one from US study English.
(f) C is from China and study Science, while A study Hindi.
Which of the following option is the definitely a correct combination of 'Fast Food' 'Country' and 'Subject'?

Question 13

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below–

6 friends are A, B, C, D, E and F are like a different kind of Fast Food, Poha, Samosa, Burger, Pizza, Sandwich and Maggi, not necessarily in the same order. They study different subjects, Maths, Computer, English, Hindi, Science and History. They have come from different countries, India, England, US, China, Canada and Japan.
(a) The person who like Sandwich study Hindi.
(b) D does not like Burger and study Maths.
(c) E like Samosa and he does not study History, nor does he belong to India or US.
(d) D belongs to Canada and F and D both don’t like Poha and Pizza.
(e) F belongs to Japan and the one from US study English.
(f) C is from China and study Science, while A study Hindi.
Who study History subject?

Question 14

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below–

6 friends are A, B, C, D, E and F are like a different kind of Fast Food, Poha, Samosa, Burger, Pizza, Sandwich and Maggi, not necessarily in the same order. They study different subjects, Maths, Computer, English, Hindi, Science and History. They have come from different countries, India, England, US, China, Canada and Japan.
(a) The person who like Sandwich study Hindi.
(b) D does not like Burger and study Maths.
(c) E like Samosa and he does not study History, nor does he belong to India or US.
(d) D belongs to Canada and F and D both don’t like Poha and Pizza.
(e) F belongs to Japan and the one from US study English.
(f) C is from China and study Science, while A study Hindi.
To which country does A belong to?

Question 15

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below–

6 friends are A, B, C, D, E and F are like a different kind of Fast Food, Poha, Samosa, Burger, Pizza, Sandwich and Maggi, not necessarily in the same order. They study different subjects, Maths, Computer, English, Hindi, Science and History. They have come from different countries, India, England, US, China, Canada and Japan.
(a) The person who like Sandwich study Hindi.
(b) D does not like Burger and study Maths.
(c) E like Samosa and he does not study History, nor does he belong to India or US.
(d) D belongs to Canada and F and D both don’t like Poha and Pizza.
(e) F belongs to Japan and the one from US study English.
(f) C is from China and study Science, while A study Hindi.
D belongs to which of the following countries?

Question 16

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the ‘PM-KISAN scheme’ (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana) in Uttar Pradesh. Under the Scheme, how many Rupees will be given every year to small and marginal farmer families?

Question 17

Which country won the 2019 SAFF Women's Championship?

Question 18

Who has resigned as the Chairman of Jet Airways?

Question 19

The famous Kandhamal haldi (turmeric) got the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. Kandhamal haldi belongs to which state?

Question 20

Which of the following ministry has launched the project BOLD-QIT (Border Electronically Dominated QRT Interception Technique) in Assam?
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