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ICT & Logical Reasoning Quiz for UGC NET Exam 2023

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Question 1

Photographs are not easy to

Question 2

What is spyware in respect of computer software?

Question 3

Which one of the following is not a search engine?

Question 4

MOOC stands for

Question 5

An ASCII is a character-encoding scheme that is employed by personal computers in order to represent various characters, numbers and control keys that the computer user selects on the keyboard. ASCII is an acronym for

Question 6

Consider the example provided below:

“There is no jar now on the ground”

Identify the means of knowledge (Pramana) involved in the example from the options given below:

Question 7

“To slow a beast, you break its limbs.

To slow a nation, you break its people.”

- Identify the argument involved in the above :

Question 8

In which of the following arguments the conclusion can be no more than probable ?

Question 9


No Musicians are Japanese.

All Barbers are Musicians.

No Barbers are Japanese.

Identify the Middle Term in the above syllogism.

Question 10

When subject and predicate of both the premises is same but they differ only in quantity, it is known as:
  • 489 attempts