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Question 1
Which of the following is an open source software?
Question 2
With regard to a word processing software, the process of combining static information in a publication together with variable information in a data source to create one merged publication is called:
Question 3
Read the following two statements:
I: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is considered a subset of Information Technology (IT).
II: The ‘right to use’ a piece of software is termed as copyright.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
I: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is considered a subset of Information Technology (IT).
II: The ‘right to use’ a piece of software is termed as copyright.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Question 4
Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE?
S1: The decimal number 11 is larger than the hexadecimal number 11
S2: In the binary number 1110.101, the fractional part has the decimal value as 0.625
S1: The decimal number 11 is larger than the hexadecimal number 11
S2: In the binary number 1110.101, the fractional part has the decimal value as 0.625
Question 5
NMEICT stands for:
Question 6
It is Truism to say that no one was there when life first appeared on earth. Any assertion about life’s origin, thus, should be treated as a theory.
The above two statements constitute :
The above two statements constitute :
Question 7
When the purpose of a definition is to explain the use or to eliminate ambiguity the definition is called:
Question 8
A deductive argument is invalid if:
Question 9
Given below are four statements. Among them two are related in such a way that they can both be true but they cannot both be false. Select the code that indicates those two statements:
a) Honest people never suffer.
b) Almost all honest people do suffer.
c) Honest people hardly suffer.
d) Each and every honest person suffers.
a) Honest people never suffer.
b) Almost all honest people do suffer.
c) Honest people hardly suffer.
d) Each and every honest person suffers.
Question 10
Given below are two premises with four conclusions drawn from them. Which of the following conclusions could be validly drawn from the premises?
Premises :
(i) No paper is pen
(ii) Some paper are handmade.
- 942 attempts
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